Chapter 26: Only Closer

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Klay peered around the big ballroom. White and red wedding decorations were being put up all around. Red carpets were being spread out and swept. Tables were being spaced out and set up. White tablecloths elegantly draped over them. Vases were placed as center pieces on the tables, filled with bouquets of white petunias and black-burgundy dahlias.

Fletch tapped on Klay's shoulder. The startled Zora quickly looked over at the blademaster. Fletch let out a silent snicker and gestured Klay to follow him. Klay shrugged and followed along, although got skeptical as he was led into a small separate room. In the room was a small step-stool. John, Etch, Latch, and another male Yiga stood near it.

"There you are!" Latch folded his arms. "Glad Fletch found you!"

"What is this?" Klay tilted his head.

The other male Yiga took off his mask and hood to reveal quite a stylish and sophisticated young man, "You're fitting, sir. For the wedding."

"Oh, yes I completely forgot!" Klay stepped onto the stool. The tailor pulled out a measuring tape and began noting measurements of the Zora's torso. "So, what am I wearing exactly?"

"Depends on what Lady Nadri decides," the Yiga shrugged. "She's stuck between some sort of suit or a fancy garb—similar to how Princess Mipha wears her Champion garb."

"Oh, Nadri's definitely choosing the garb," Etch huffed out a laugh and the others quietly snickered along.

Klay rolled his eyes jokingly and smirked, "Honestly, you're probably right."

"How's everything going with her anyway?" Latch shifted his weight to one side. "I'm sure she can't get enough of the week-old Clash Champion."

"She can't," Klay shook his head. He lifted his right arm out so that the tailor could measure it. "I've never realized how much I loved having personal space."

"And to think you're complaining while you're living hundreds of Yiga soldiers' dreams," John set his hands on his hips.

Klay lowered his right arm then extended his left arm, "Tell those soldiers that I'd gladly switch places with them. This whole situation is awful. I shouldn't be marrying Nadri. I'm supposed to marry Liana."

"Hold up, you and Liana were engaged?" Etch's eyes widened. "Since when? I thought y'all were
just girlfriend and boyfriend." Fletch nudged Etch and mimicked the action of taking a video from a Sheikah Slate. Etch gasped, "You found out through a video?!"

"How did you know that, Fletch?" Klay slightly smirked at the mute blademaster. He only smiled proudly and shrugged. "I doubt that you spied on Nadri and I. Surely someone told you." Fletch tapped on his ears. Klay lowered his left arm and stood tall, letting the tailor measure his legs. "Oh, you eavesdropped. That makes the most sense anyway." Fletch nodded firmly and gave a thumbs-up.

Nadri's voice could be heard from the other side of the door. The men all looked to it and all of them flinched as she slammed the door open. A servant stood tense next to her, a clipboard in hand.

"I've already told you!" Nadri shouted. "My dress needs diamonds! I don't care if it's in short supply right now! Find it! Now get on with it!" The servant's face flushed red from the attention put on her. She quickly nodded and hurried out of the small fitting room. "Sorry for being so late. None of these people understand how perfect this wedding needs to be!"

"It's no trouble, Lady Nadri," the tailor bowed his head. "Unfortunately your seamstress is running a bit late herself."

Nadri scoffed, "Typical. Anyway, how's my handsome Zora doing?"

She strolled up to Klay and lovingly looked up at him. He looked down at her and faked his own loving gaze. Ever since he kissed her a week prior, he has become a master at faking his love for Nadri. He's perfected it so well that even his friends have had to ask if an action or phrase was genuine. "I am doing quite well. Might I also add that you look quite stunning today."

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