~Author's note~

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WOOOOOO! I'm so happy! Thank you so much for reading this! I hope it wasn't dreadful to read or anything 😅

Now what does the future hold? I know that some of you have been asking about a book 5 for this series, and I was really reluctant at first cause I didn't want to overstay my welcome. But then totk happened, and I got some ideas. Now as of writing this author's note. I have not started writing book 5 yet. And it might be a bit before I can even get it going because life's going to get busy with graduation and working more full time.

Also I'm having writing inspiration for the remaster of this series (on AO3 go check it out if you haven't hehe). Currently remastering the 2nd book so hopefully once I get that out I'll get inspiration for book 5. Basically, things will be slow from here on out.

Anyway, I love you guys! Thank you so much for inspiring me to do what I love! I hope you all have a wonderful day 💛

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