Chapter 53: Beckoning Voice

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*28 years after Link's death*

The orange sky soon began to deepen into a dark black as night eased on. Sidon and Mipha entered into Hateno Village with a few other Zora Guards. Some of the villagers welcomed the group, and the Zoras continued up to the Hateno Lab.

Mipha knocked on the door and opened it. She gasped as she saw a young Sheikah child, about six, fiddling with a Sheikah Slate. Everyone was just as confused as the Zora Champion. Did Purah have a child that no one knew about? Was this a cousin or niece?

"U-Um, excuse me?" Mipha took a step inside, and Sidon ducked under the door and walked in with his sister. "Do you happen to know if Purah is around?"

The young child looked up at the tall Zoras and only shrugged. "Beats me. I can help you two though! What do ya need?" Mipha and Sidon gave each other a quick look. Sidon went to speak, but the young child cut him off, "Oh, wait! Can I get a picture of you two real quick? It's not every day that you get to meet with a Zora prince and princess!"


Without any warning, the child brought out her Sheikah Slate and shouted, "CLICK! SNAP! Hehehe!"

"Well, uh, okay..." Sidon set his hands on his hips. "Are you Purah's..."

She began to hysterically laugh, having to hold herself up on the table. "You two are so clueless! HA!"

"We are. Very."

"I am Purah! See? I got the same hair, the same glasses, the same clothes—erm, well, they're a smaller size."

"Are you being serious?" Sidon looked to Mipha.

"So I kind of was experimenting with some anti-aging stuff. It worked! It's worked a little too well."

"Oh, Purah." Mipha slightly shook her head. "Is this why you called us here?"

"Nope! Currently I'm performing a bit of research on fairies. And no, before you ask, I am not using them in my creations!"

"I've never known you to be interested in fairies."

"Well, I'm interested now! You see, fairies are quite rare and they only appear in a few spots all over Hyrule. Obviously there's the ones near the Great Fairies, but there's also a few atop the Great Deku Tree, Gerudo Canyon, and Ebon Mountain. Occasionally you'll find them lurking in the grass, but that is very, very, very, VERY RARE! I wanna know why. What makes these places so special? Why do these fairies congregate where they do? Because this is a mission that spreads far and wide, I called you two! Besides, you both have a great reputation with the Great Fairies! They'll be more than happy to give you both information!"

"Why can't you talk to the Great Fairies?" Mipha gave a slight smirk, and Purah's eyes widened.

"Well, it's—you know—uh, how do I put this—I may have been stealing parts of their flowers for experiments. It''s actually how I got the anti-aging thing to work. They're pretty mad at me."

"Why am I even surprised? We'll look into all that for you. Is there anything else we should know before we head out?"

"Oh, yes! I heard that fairies LOVE singing! If the fairies run away from you, all you gotta do is have a pretty singing voice, and they come frolicking towards you! There's a woman named Charlotte at the Willard's restaurant. She has a beautiful singing voice. She's famous here! Get her to come with you, and I'm sure your jobs will be made much easier!"

"Alright, we'll do that. Let's head out everyone!"


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