11~A Challenge

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Najib's POV:

The sounds of the chirping birds and the clatter of dishes could be heard when I woke with a splitting headache.

"Where I'm I?" I murmured observing the unfamiliar room.

Whose clothes am I wearing, and where is my phone? I thought tracing every item I could see and touch.

"I hope I haven't been robbed or kidnapped?" I whispered.

Slowly, I tiptoed to the door, and just as I reached for it, the door opened.

"Good morning." A familiar lady greets.

"Who are you? And where I'm I?"

"Don't you remember me? It's me, Nanny Ann."

"Nanny Ann?" Her name and face rang a bell, but I couldn't remember where I'd seen her from.

"I'm Abdul's Nanny; you both used to play together when you were little back at the mansion." She explains dropping a cup of tea on the table.

"Oh! Now I remember, It's been a long time."

"Yeah, congrats on your marriage."

"Thanks, but what am I doing here and where is Abdul?"

"He brought you home drunk last night." She replies.

"Shit! Grandma must be worried, Where are my things and Abdul?"

"He went to the gym, he will be back soon."

"Please call him, I need to get back home."

"Sure, firstly have your tea and this pill; it will soothe your headache; I know you have one." She smiled.

"Thanks." I sighed.

"You're welcome, let me give him Abdul a call." She says and walks out while I take the pill with the tea in a gulp.

"Abdul must be angry, after all, I didn't invite him to my wedding party." I sighed recalling our old times.

Abdul and I met at kindergarten school, and our friendship began from there till now; we were inseparable till I decided to move to London, and though Abdul wasn't happy, he supported my decision.

I stare at the time say 10.

"Grandma must be dead worried; I need to get a cab home; I can't wait for Abdul anymore." I sighed while stepping out of the room.

"Nanny Ann?" I called to take my leave when Abdul walked in, soaked in sweat.

"Bro! You're finally awake." He smiled

"Longest time." I smiled back.

"No see, I guess till now." He replies.

"Thanks for having me, Nanny Ann told me everything."

"What are buddies for?"

"Sorry for not inviting you to my party."

"Yep, you didn't count me in your invite so I found my way to your party."

"I'm sorry, bro, everything happened in a rush; it's just a long story,y, not for today, some other day." I sighed.

"Well, congratulations everyone  celebrated your  wedding all over the net."

"I'm not surprised, but can you grant me another favour?"


Abdul still was the same Abdul I knew as his love for sports cars still exists.

Not only does he now own a different collection of sports cars, but he also sells and remodels them now.

"You still cherish cars a lot." I sighed as we rode in his newest model.

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