65~Red Carpet 1

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Habiba's POV:

I'd thrown up a fifth time by now, and staring at the puke bucket kept by my bed side only made me more nauseous.

"Sorry." Mrs Zara said as she rubs my back.

"I never expect you to drink." Najib rose from his chair placing a glass of lemonade by my side.

"It's all my fault, I should have cross-checked the bottles before they sent them, I don't know how they made such a blunder." Mrs Zara replies.

"It happened anyways, I just hope she gets better before the party." Najib grunts.

They kept talking like I wasn't in their midst, and also, I didn't have the strength to join in while I was suffering a splitting headache.

At this rate, it feels like I'd vomited my whole body organs as my stomach felt empty and I wasn't hungry either.

Is this how getting drunk terribly feels? I wonder why people indulge in it then.

"Habiba, c'mon drink more." Mrs Zara smiled bringing the glass of lemonade to my lips.

"I will, but not now please." I moaned.

"I think Mrs Zara should get you a doctor, you look sick." Najib sighs with concern.

"Let me ask the hotel...

"No, I'm fine, I will manage," I uttered pulling Mrs Zara who is about to leave back to my side.

I couldn't bear a syringe pricking into my skin while I was feeling body ache or taking pills which I knew I will puke out, and then I wonder why the doctors in the city believe only in syringes, back in my village my doctors sometimes prescribe herbs for us and it worked perfectly.

"Sir, here is the lemonade you ordered." The room service girl announces as she walks in.

"Give it to her." He points at me.

"I don't want it." I mumbled struggling to hold the lump growing in my throat.

"You have to take it to sober up." He insists.

"This will be the third cup of lemon juice and I don't still feel good...

"Sir I have something that would help if you don't mind." The hotel girl interrupts pulling out a tablet from her pocket.

"What is that?" Najib asks.

"A hangover pill, once she swallows it she will be fine."

"Are you sure?" Mrs Zara utters in suprise.

"I will have it." I mumbled.

"Really! Do you even know what it is?" He replies with a wide gaze.

"It's a registered pill." The girl retorts annoyingly, she must be upset with Najib's distrustful gestures.

"Well, I hope it doesn't have a side effect?" He stares at the pill with a long suspicious look.

"No, excuse me I will get back to work, get well soon ma'am." She says while taking her leave.

Najib had switched his sitting position to my side on the bed and at a close range which he sat, I observed his sullen-looking eyes they looked deprived of sleep and tired.

"Mrs Zara please return to work, you still need to get back by 4 pm, don't waste your time here, don't worry I will look after her." Najib urges Mrs Zara who has been with me all day trying her best to make me feel better.

"I can wait for more minutes, I will send my assistant to fill in for me." She replies.

"No, you need to rest as well you've helped enough...

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