68~ Only If He Knew...

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Habiba's POV:

I guess the sun was in a happy mood as it shone brightly reflecting on his calm face.

Just staring at him wasn't enough, I found my fingers tracing his sharp features while observing how perfectly carved his face was.

"How does he manage to look this breathtaking even when he sleeps?"

Every part of his face seems to align making him look just like the imaginary description of the princes in our fairytale stories.

I knew it would be difficult to give up on him despite everything, not now, not ever...

Loving him feels like an addiction, all effort I put to get rid of my feelings for him only seems futile, and that makes me worry as I couldn't even picture a future of us together.

It feels overwhelming to re-realize I never earn a place in his heart but Zaitun did, just the thought of her makes me want to slap him to his senses, to make him understand the type of woman Zaitun truly is.

But can I? All I could do at the moment is to block the ray of sun reflecting on his face, he deserved a good rest after last night, this was the least I could do to appreciate him for taking care of me through the night especially when I woke up panicking from my bad dreams.

Once I tried to shift a curl away from his face, he suddenly grabs my hand making me startled.

His eyes staring into mine with a lingering smile on his face left my mouth open in shock.

"Y...You're awake, Good morning." I stuttered trying to get away but he tightens his grip.

"Am I that handsome?" He smirks.


"I must be very handsome for you to stare for long till now." He said with a satisfied smile.

"Me? I wasn't staring, I just woke up...

"Oh really?" He smirks rising from his pillow, he draws closer to my face sniffing my neck.

"You smell fresh, and what are you doing in my shirt? If I can remember you slept naked."

"Huh!... Well, I just dressed up, just now...

"And your hair?" He ruffles my soggy hair.

"Don't tell me you sweat so much to have your hair drip wet while the aircon is on." He chuckles rising from the bed with the bedsheet wrapped around his waist.

"Fine! I was awake since...

"Admiring me?" He chuckles well knowing I was feeling embarrassed.

"What, no!"

"C'mon I know you too well, I can tell when you lie, lies don't suit you, your expressions and stammering are enough to tell that you are lying." He smirked heading towards the bathroom.

"And how do you feel? Should we go to the hospital?" He adds turning to face me.

"No, I'm perfectly alright."

"You don't feel any discomfort?"

"I'm okay, it was just my urge... You know."

"I'm relieved to hear that, I will shower now."

"Okay." I smiled watching him leave and once he locks the bathroom door behind him, I screamed into my pillow venting out.

"I just lied and made a fool of myself, I can't believe he caught me and what obvious lies did I tell?" I sighed hitting my head unto my pillow severally.

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