71~ We Let Go...

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Najib's POV:

"Doctor, Please check her, she passed out and she is bleeding...

"Mr Najib calm down, Hajiya has explained everything to me, she will be fine." The doctor assured as he examines her.

"She is running a high temperature I will prescribe her drugs, but first, I  need to cover up her cuts to stop her bleeding."

"Sure, I will get the first aid box." I sighed rushing out to fetch it.

All I wanted to achieve is distance away from each other in order to prevent us from further hurting each other.

I wanted her to loathe me alot so when the time for our divorce reach, it will be easier for both of us to move on, I didn't want her having any feelings left for me, I wanted to erase every feeling she feels for me.

I wish I could, because I never meant to hurt her this much, and mostly, I never want to be the reason for her tears... But unfortunately, I did hurt her just to distance her away, to free her from the burden of her unrequited love.

I'd be lying not to admit that I wasn't aware of her feelings for me which makes me feel guilty as I'm unable to reciprocate her feelings back. We are two worlds apart, we aren't compatible and despite the fact that she has spent almost half of the year married to me, I still see her as a low class villager who Alhaji Aminu Garba  forced me to get married to.  I can't be the man she should love, she deserves someone who would love her in return, I couldn't even stay loyal to her so how would I make her happy and fulfill all her wishes?

No one deserves to go through the shit Mom went through. It's best she resents me and let go.

Briefly, I returned to the doctor with the first aid box, but the mood in the room was quite tense.

"What's wrong? Why do you all look pale? What's wrong with her doctor?" I rushed to him.

"It's Nothing, I have taken her blood sample I will get back to you tomorrow with her medical report." He sighed avoiding my gaze as he turns to leave.

"What of her wounds? I brought the first aid box...

"Najib, the doctor has an emergency at the hospital, don't worry I will tend to her injuries." Zaitun smiled.

"Okay, thanks, I've arranged a ride for you back to the hospital."

"My pleasure, I've prescribed some drugs to normalize her body temperature and also reduce her   fever, once she wakes up, make sure she eats and takes them.

"Okay, I'll be expecting her test result tomorrow."

"Sure, good night sir."

Zaitun did a good job at nursing Habiba's wounds, she was still unconscious while I sat beside her watching her sleep.

"Najib, aren't you tired? Let's get some sleep."

"She still unconscious...

"So are you going to seat here till she wakes up?"

"Yes, I have to, Someone needs to be with her."

"Fine, I'm going to bed!"

"Good night."

"Are you for real right now!" She glares.

"Yes, we can't leave her alone in this state, can't you see she is still unconscious?"

"I can't believe this, fine stay awake for all I care!" She snaps banging the door on her way out.

"I've gotten used to Zaitun's tantrums but I can't get used to hurting you, We need to end our marriage, you deserve a better person, a man who will love you and won't cause you pain." I sighed patting her hands softly.

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