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The activity of trying to control who gets particular resources, power, or opportunities, and who does not: We are seeing the decline of cultural gatekeeping— the control over what is deemed worthy exerted by critics, educators, and so forth.

...means a literary genre that focuses on women and their trials and tribulations, most notably in a humorous and light-hearted manner. The genre often focuses on modern womanhood, specifically individual heroines' romantic, platonic or familial relationships - sometimes even all of them.


Attending college is another milestone that Tristan and Asheika was looking forward to complete. Despite their different career paths, they were headstrong about living together but what is life without a few obstacles along the way.

Living on their own; Asheika found herself mothering her boyfriend to the point of wondering if she was submissive or dominant. Without staffs to clean up after him, it was only the beginning of their problems. For arguments, drama, drugs and sex is caused by temptation, wealth and fame.

For the main questions were;

•What is a upcoming star American football player doing with a chef as his girlfriend?
•Why does it seems like she's being clingy?
•Would she be better off with a chef, as he would look better with a model on his arm?

Book 2 of High Society...

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