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Noah McKenzie


Being on my knees as I played peek-a-boo with my nephew José was a great start to my holiday. He was giggling like crazy and as the only child my sister has that doesn't smile much to anyone, this was blessing.

There dad was making them something to eat which smells great and it turns out to be a irish potato and pumpkin juice. He added a tip of cinnamon, salt and nutmeg, vanilla extract and milk powder to it for a lighter thicker colour. My sister would serve it cold but he gave it to us cool to feed the babies. José being independent for a eight months old was the coolest thing, he was a little man who wanted to hold his bottle with no help needed. He has one hand using to elevate the bottle while the other was feeling on my beard.

My features were different than Ishmael's. Looking more on the Asian side with my eyes, nose and hair, everything else was different. The built, height, mouth and voice was just as my biological father.

While my elder brother was overly tall like any girls dream guy, I was a bit short. My stumped built was made up of thick bones and thanks to my stepfather's gym, I had built a little muscle. I was only five feet nine inches, two or three inches taller than Asheika. My biological father was known for being thick too, only dark skinned with an hair growing in all the right places, according to his sister. The only aunty I spoke with since I moved to the U.S. Minus the Asian features, I would be like those men who grew facial hair for my own grew rapidly. Holly has dear me to keep the beard and moustache for two months and so far, I could braid the beard, which I did. I over did it with addition two beads to each braids to give that pirate of the Caribbean looking, but I come out more like an knock-off Asian Kong fu trainer. The look stuck so I didn't change it.

José handed me the empty bottle and I thanked him, covering the nipple with the bottle cover.

"Can I burp him?" Haha asked so I passed him over to her since she needed the help to lift him up. He wasn't a light baby, so she was straining herself but I said nothing.

I gave Tristan the empty bottle and asked for the fifth time. "Where is you wife with Holly?"

His laugher was the only reply I've gotten the other four times I've asked so I was surprised when he answered. "They'll be down soon."

"She's helping her with the thing?" I asked and he nods so I grinned.

"You like her don't you... My bad, you love her?" He discovered and I smirked.

"Of course bro. I'm just waiting for her to love herself so I can show her how much I love her." We shook hands and I felt good that I had their support to help her.

I've always loved Holly since the first time. Before all these muscles came in, I was called fat and short. An with brothers like Ishmael, Elijah and Antoine, I joined the pact and visited the gym the moment I hit high school. Holly and I were the outcasts and I was surprised Penny stayed friends with us but she too had her story. If it wasn't for her family being wealthy or that she had the privilege to end anyone who bullied her, she would be bulled for being Asian. It was another issue in his country besides being black or a red head. 

Hana on the other hand was annoying, I've learnt that girls like her would do anything to get the bad boys or the ones with money. I didn't fall under that category since I was supposed to be my twin siblings responsibility but their dad and stepmother adopted me, raising and loving me as their own. I love and respect them as they help made me who I am today, so their riches and fame wasn't my own, but they are forcing me to live different than my siblings seeing as Penny and  I got a year or two off from learning. They wanted we our closest friends to travel and learn then to attend school so soon.

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