21| Pioneer cuisine

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I meant what I said about leaving today and before I do, I needed to complete my main assignment as to why I was up early and picked out the outfit Demet picked out. I needed my notebook, pencil, voice recorder and video camera. I put them all in a bag and put my necessities in another that matched the hijab that fit well with the surroundings as a tourist. I brought my phone, identification and cash, as I traveled to the nearest town with enough security.

It was a bit early but I was fascinated with the country area of Istanbul and how friendly and inviting the people seems to be. As the cold winds blew, men walked around with Turkish tea on tray to sell.

I've asked the drive to take me any specific community and that it what he did. What drew attention to the people were the flashy vehicles lined up on the side of the road but I look just seated there looking around. "Are you searching for something in particular?"

"Someone inviting. Can you get a family willing to accompany me for the day, please. It's for an assignment and I'm willing to pay."

"Sure." He nods and got out.

Upon seeing the security they stared whispering as he looked amongst the people and went to the one who stood out. A lady playing with a girl at the side of the road. I watched her expression as it looked weary to confused. Nodding he turned to the car and turned to me. "She would like you meet you first."

"Okay. I'll get out now." I informed him so he told the the other security who got out too.

I got out last and the main one accompanied me over to the woman. Thanking Büyükannen for pestering me to learn Turkish, I was able to speak to the girl around my age group.

"Merhaba." I greeted and so did she, holding the little girl who attached herself to her older girls leg. "My name in Asheika Ellis and I attended a culinary school. For a project I choose to do a full course Turkish meal and I need some help."

"Oh. With what exactly?" She asked.

"I need some help but from strangers to overlook the entire preparation, taste some and to rate it on a scale from one to ten. I'll understand if it's a bother but I'll need some to complete the assignment. I'll even pay you." I pleaded and told her the amount which her eyes widened at.

"If I didn't need the money I would still help truly, my aunt is just a little sick so yes, I'll help." She agreed.

Her name is Altan while her sister is Rita. She told me she'll inform her parents and will be back. She went and return with them as we did another introduction and explanation on what I needed to do. Her mother took my arm in her own and send her eldest daughter inside to get bags for the market. We went ahead while her husband followed in silence as we ladies spoke.

"You study gastronomy, that's great. Tell me what amazing Turkish meals you can already prepare?" She asked.

"Homemade Manti, Simít, menemen, börek, sujuk pride, Aegean pizza, lahmacun, fistikli baklava, kadayif, ekler/ éclair, çay and demlik çay." I listed while both the wife and husband looked at me.

They we wary, wanting me to prove it as a foreigner. They helped me shop for the ingredients and made sure I wasn't being robbed. I was introduced to people who they knew, being called a close friend.

Arriving at their home, I was welcomed in and removed my shoe when they gave me ones to wear indoor. Thankfully I was wearing socks. This home was small but it surely reminded me of grandma's old one in Jamaica.

Their kitchen was the best however as they cleaned up while I set up my items for the preparation. As if theses women didn't have a home for themselves, three of their neighbours came over, watching everything that I did. While Altan explained what I'm doing, they wanted to participate which was good on my end.

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