34| Mystique

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Ralph stopped his van so fast we stopped too to see what was happening. on the opening field was a tall thick built if a man chasing a smaller male. Just as Ralph was about to call out to the guy who resembles him, he caught the boy as if he was in a wrecking match. Much like the way Tristan play football and I always worry for him and the other players, it was a dangerous game truly.

Rodney got up fisting the guy but stopped when his father called him. Bloody, sweaty and angry, he came over dragging the guy. "What are you doing, Rodney?"

From what he explained he caught the guy, Jackson, touching a girl against her will, even when she was telling him to stop it. Our parents took a step back to let us be the judge of what was to be done to him.

I too step back since my brother, fiancé and their guy friends did what they wanted.

"So you love to touch uh?" Tristan chucked, circling the guy while Ishmael moved in frightening the boy.

"We know places where boys like you go to get touched yourselves and nobody will do anything about it." My brother taunted.

"They'll make you their bitch..." Shane laughed.

"I'm sure he'll love to be someone's bitch." Logan added with a grin.

"I'm about to be a doctor and I must tell you boy, I saw assholes but if you keep this thing up, it will be your asshole on our experiment table whether or not your dead. You want that boy?" Austin spat and the boy shook, peeing himself.

Looking disgusted, I walked away back to the car to let them handle it. It wasn't long before the police came and took him away as it seems someone else may have called them.

Rodney went with his father in the van while we drove behind them, admiring the view.

I didn't know how my brother and friends homes looked as our parents thought it wasn't yet time for us to see which wasn't what we wanted. We stopped at a tall rectangular building that Rodney call the Ranch centre where the offices, shops, canteen, daycare, meeting and sometimes a party are all kept. Every staff was there when we approached in groups but overall there was more than a hundred persons and their family working in specific areas. There were drivers for both truck, tractor, trailer and bus. Farmers for each areas of ground produce, trees, herbs and such. Anothers were mechanics, electricians, engineers, plumbers, masonry contractors, welders, ranch security, a scientist who studies plants and, doctors and nurses for both people and animals. Another group were housing staffs, gardeners and landscapers. All their children would help out if they wanted or was requested by their parents. From toddlers to teens and college students like us were all there working or Came to visit their family and I was surprised seeing Zarie amongst them. He looked just as surprised upon see us, greeting both Tristan and I different from his family. He pointed out Yasmin and Amber in the group as they too came to visit their family.

After Ralph explained the different groups before he introduced us to everyone.

"I've called you all here to meet the owners of the Ranch..." His voice got overshadowed by the gasps, whispers and cheers among everyone. It was good seeing many happy faces but one stood out, Amber who wasn't looking at no one else but Tristan. "I see that some of you are familiar with who they are but I'll tell for those who don't. This is..."

He went ahead calling our names but strangely left Tristan and I names for last and I felt that Mister Trent and daddy was up to something as they got Ralph on it.

"Last but not least, Tristan and Asheika Trent, this couple is the primary owners of this Ranch and our bosses. Young Mister Trent will oversee on everything business wise while his wife has just the same authority as him. She however will oversee on the care and maintenance of their new home. Are there any questions?"

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