66| Joy of Joyner

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Whomever this girl was, I didn't care. As long as I protected myself I was good. She knew who I was though, they all knew as to why they fought for my attention. I've made it clear from the start to look or dress differently from my brothers and it succeeded. They knew I was the whoring brother but that didn't stop the girls from coming.

This blonde was a basic, and she even felt it. I found the power of spiritual and soul search. I felt that during sex that I could drain those who I had it with, I'm use it to recharge myself in a way that Uncle Logan taught and my cousin Christian explained.

Spilling into the condom, I frowned and pulled of her and walked to the bathroom feeling like shit. That girls energy and spirit was shit and I scoffed.

"Joyner." She called and I felt as she wrapped her arms before me as I disposed of the condom in the toilet, flushing it down the drain.


"I'm sore but I'll do more of you want." She offered and I shook my head. "What?"

"That won't be necessary." I told her, walking into the shower to get rid of her touch and scent as much as possible. She moved the join me but one glare sent her crawling back to the room. I showered quickly as I did get dressed, seeing here seated on the bed looking defeated so I stood looking at her. "What do you want?"

It was always the same.

"Why don't you date?" She frowned and I scoffed.

"Why do you sleep around?" I asked her but got no response. "Right. Since this, I think I'm done. This meaningless sex is getting boring for me and I'm sure it will for you too, real soon. I'm not the guy for you girlie, I'm sure your type is out there. I'll see you around."

I don't. I don't want to see you around much less to speak with you and I smiled softly at her before going through the door. Rolling my eyes as I walked out of the motel, I stood next to my guy and nudge him.

"I'm ready to go."

He nods and opens the door for me as I got it. I wanted to go home and see my brothers before bed.


A couple months passed and my brothers stared looking at me weirdly but José being the more concerned one, he asked. "When was the last time you went out?"

"This morning." I answered, seeing as though we just got back from class.

"When was the last time you get laid?" He corrected himself and Jessey laughed from the kitchen as he was making snacks for us.

"Four or five months ago, I think." I shrugged and placed my focus on the laptop before me as I was close to completing my last assignment.

"You owe my 5k Jess." José reminded and I hissed at them both.

"I can't with you both." I chucked watching the money exchange. "I'm going to the grocery store, I'll be back."

"We're coming." Jessey announced while José raised a brow at him.

"Who's 'we' and when did I volunteer?" José observed but we ignored him.

He drove  us there but I they let me be the only one to push a trolley but I didn't care. Much like our mom, we were picky with foods, fruits, vegetables and beverages. So as they went around in search of snacks, I was at the vegetable isle inspecting almost everything.

"Do you need some help?" A voice asked and I looked up next to me at the Asian girl picking up vegetables herself.

"No, thank you." I answered, focusing on what I was picking up.

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