60| The Prerogative & The Preposterous

31 7 0

Holly Willis


The chemical peel worked like magic as it was off before today Friday. It has left my skin radiant and smooth. I couldn't believe the after effects was go great. I've told the group what it was as seeing at it was the reason we didn't leave the Ranch this week. My skin stared to peal away layer by layer and I could mess with the process by taking it off my hand. I felt ugly at one point that I didn't want to leave the room so all the girls came and spent some time with me as we watched moves while the boys watched sports downstairs. Hana just sat in the corner as if she never wanted to be there.

An today seeing her by herself as Penny was ignoring her, I felt bad somewhat but minded my own business. I've just came from the dermatologist with Asheika and I was loving the feeling and appearance of my skin. The deeper freckles and beauty spots were left just how I wanted it but the extra stuff were gone since the peel. The lazer treatment was to remove them as much as possible and it took hours but it was worth the time.

Penny, Noah, Josh, Christian and Sheldon were incharge of special tasks. So when Asheika and I return they were all gathering in the living space going over the list.

"Oh my gosh, Holly!"

"You look hot."

"Your skin... It's so cool."

"I told you it would work."

"Glow up bestie." Penny cheered with the rest and I noticed how Hana got up and left the room which Penny saw as she rolled her eyes.

Josh smirked but I pretended that I did see the exchange, everyone did. When all three came in to the dining area yesterday, we realize that something was up until Josh expresses his feelings for Penny a bit.

Noah slipped through the crowd around us to hug and kiss my cheek in the presence of everyone who awed and I know I have to get use to this some how.

"So, how is the plan coming along?" Asheika asked.

"Amazing. "

"We've bought everything on the list today but we're going over to see if all the numbers adds up and if we needed anything else." Christian stated as he looks at the book he always walks around with.

"I was going to call the event planner but Stacey here would do the job since she's going to college for that next year." Penny proposed then continued. "The theme stays, Garden party with casual outfits and no heels. I know you love your lawn."

"You know it."

"We've added more to the snack list like ice pops, fudge and snow cones." Another added while I felt Noah's hand on my ass.

Asheika cleared her throat probably seeing it but he didn't stop. Shaking her head, she focuses on what the others were saying. Noah was definitely turning me on right now and in public. Looking at him, he was already staring at my face so I looked away blushing.

"Thank you so much. You guys did an amazing job we'll set up this afternoon and tomorrow we deal with the food. I'll take the list and check..."

"O.C.D." Noah couched and his sister smacked him on the head making us laugh. "Ow. You Asians are terrible."

"You're Asian too pipsqueak." Penny remarked as she always felt offended.

"You're half Asian but took Tristan's genes leaving him Turkish." Noah teased and she got pissed.

"You little numbskull..." I've heard Ishmael use that once so her insult didn't come as a surprise to me, but to others. "Your Thai but over there looking like a Japanese samurai and Captain Jack sparrow in one. Choose a character."

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