38| Hauteur

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Chilling with someone new always brings a new spark that leaves a person craving for it. I did expect to wake up in Trey's bed once again but not with him staring down at me and creasing my cheek. I slipped out of his bed and took the sheets with me, to hide my nudity. "Are you serious Asheika?"

"What were you doing?"

"Can't I look?" He resorted and glared at him.

"Yeah but you know there are boundaries when the sun comes up." I recalled what he said to me a while back. Trey, or Starr as everyone calls him, is my friend's elder brother. I never thought I would be in this position, having sex with a someone who is not Tristan but I was single after all.

"I know what I said but damn, I can't help myself." He bites on his lower lip just how he knows I like it but I forced myself to look away.

"You need to try, we don't want your boys saying you're getting whipped now." I teased and he chuckled.

"But forreal, you coming by my moms later?" He inquired and I shrugged. "You got to show up, someone needs to help her in the kitchen."

"The only reason I would do it is if she or Trinity calls. I'm leaving and don't be stealing my underwear like you did last time." I warned, making my way into the bathroom, walking a little funny.

"Maybe next time." He said to himself but I heard, huffing under my breath just as he entered the bathroom to have a shower with me.

"No funny business."

"No promises." He started kissing on my shoulders right after the words came from his mouth and I moaned softly, liking the feeling of his beard on my skin. One thing I was certain about and it was followed the rules he set, but it was my fault.

Finding out how Tristan's blood was clean but he will need to do another test in a few week for clarity. Not only that but to make sure all the drugs was out of his system. Miss skank cunt was sent to prison and the entire university and media knew because people at my apartment saw her and many others on the street does when her parents came. I wasn't here then but they demanded to speak with me for humiliating their daughter. I was grinning wickedly when my mother figures show them who's boss. They had the nerve to come to the hospital to start a fight that they wouldn't win, both parents got jail time too, but the dad he drew blood when he sent a chair flying that hits my brother on the knee. They even lost their jobs which was bad, instead of worrying about instant revenge, they should've been at home or at their daughter dorm speaking to her.

The media ate it up and the university was in a uproar. If it wasn't for the swat team being called, the campus security would be ran over by the stampede that loved Tristan and I. The football team got suspended for a while as they too were in on getting to Amber. Her roommate left her to her own in there because they weren't even friend to begin with.

Tristan won't be back to play anytime soon which everyone hated since was so great at it. We had to stay at another apartment because it was the most secured area but it was only temporary. The media camped out at the entrance and the cops tried time and time again to get rid of them. Like flies to shit, they just keep coming back.

It took a whole other month before the blood test came and they thankfully found nothing. He stated doing therapy for both the incident and his anger issues. The investigation was over so we moved back in after the cleaning crew came.

I arrived at our housing apartment that we've been living in for the past two years as a perfect couple but it all went downhill on Tristan's side.

What I did to Amber was drama to some but a lesson to many. I started a trend with wives throwing cake batter on the women and even the men who's at fault. A particular groupie who likes upcoming ballers even got some on Instagram Live. One thing for certain was the quote I make about having your cake and eat it was a constant proverb used on the trend. My neighbor loved the drama and they didn't bat an eye to tell the media what they heard and how they like my move.

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