4| Chef up

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Due to Providence Culinary institute being strict, Tristan couldn't get in like I've done at the university. One thing for certain is that I'm glad I was prepared as the chef was just as strict and wasted no time on getting us to work.

He checked out knife kits and criticized some. He admired our uniforms which is the entire chef outfit from head to toe. Pants, coats, crocs, aprons, hats and the neckerchiefs. The school was a great one, it was easy to identify those who wants to do a good four years or the regular two and it is done by the highlighted colours on our edges of our uniforms and pockets.

Only students wears the black uniform with while highlights and that's for students doing only two years or less. Black uniforms with purple highlights for those doing four years.

The professional chefs and professors had a wide range of colours but the same while uniforms but different highlights. The regular teachers had black highlights, pastry chefs had blue, vegetarians got green, certified butchers had red highlights underneath there transparent plastic coats, and those without colour but all white got different design white coats. They do a variety of works like; event and activities planning, work in the canteen, tutor and monitor. Mrs. Pickett was a monitor and I saw her taking to my teacher, Chef Curry.

I thought my teacher would be a fat chubby man, but I was surprised to see a muscular built guy standing by the board with his back turned. His rough voice had some of us frightened and so was I, his stare could probably cut a nutmeg in half. After Mrs. Pickett spoke with him, he looked around at us students while making eye contact and he stopped at me. Like the barefaced person that I can be at times, I stared back with a blank look and he seems impressed before smirking. He said nothing to me personally but spoke to the entire class, with his deep, drawn out and thick Italian accent.

Having fourteen students with myself included, they said it would be a small group when the next two years is up and the four others with white highlights graduate leaving us here.

Since I was standing at the back next to dark skinned girl who I found out is friends with Tristan's new friends, we had a connection instantly. Trinity moved around on her feet nervously as Chef Curry approached us, to criticize any faults he saw with us.

"Mhmmm," he hummed as he turned from Trinity and came to me. "Starr and Ellis, first row, front and center."

"Yes chef." We acknowledge, taking our knife kits and walking to the front where the persons who were there took our previous places.

He then shuffle the others and return to his spot at the front, staring right back at me. "Ellis, a little birdie told me you are already skilled in the kitchen. So I'll do the honour to judge you tha most as a way to prove them wrong."

He chuckled, straightening his jacket and turned to the class.

"Get your books out and write whatever I say that's important. It all is. Unfortunately, I don't like wasting time, as time is money. The only activity for today is a quick demo that last two hours after lunch, but I love to change my mind like any critic. I'm not only a chef here, I'm in charge of what you do and where you do it. How you do it is either fabulous or fair, failure is not an option. I have my business to run outside this institute as we'll be one of the few classes here with a morning and afternoon shift. You can't make it, poof, you can leave this place to wherever you came or leave now and squeezed into another class that is not as great as mine. A1 is not for children, they placed you here for a reason. Based on your IQ and that's awful examination for acceptance, I won't accept negotiation for those with Mommy or Daddy's money. You work hard to get my approval or acceptance, consider yourself lucky as I'm not a man to be easily pleased by simple meals. Those proudly wearing purple highlights, consider yourself lucky as I'll bring nothing but work to you for the next four years. Those with white highlights, I love drilling you the most, absolutely no one leaves Chef Curry's kitchen or classroom to spoil my image. For only the best, is good enough. The times I'm available is what we work with, you're absent, it's your loss. Tutoring is only used to give some credit, days of work that you could've done in just one class. On the dot, eight AM to four PM, then eleven PM to seven AM. For this semester its a week to back time plan. The reason is simple, the earth rotate on its axis for twenty four hours a day. There are establishments that opens twenty four sevens, like hotels and fast food restaurants. We teach you to not only cook here in Providence institute, we build future cooks, chefs and business owners to be professional with certification. This is not something we let you ace overnight, for as you may have done some research on this school. We have two semesters, tha fall and tha spring. For the four months being here, be lucky I'll see you for two or four hours a day if you're assigned to a task or event. We do demo for an hour, skills to improve your senses for another hours, and then meal preposition for just two hours, no more if it's not needed. The remaining hours you get is just wonderful as I won't be seeing you at all. Just keep in mind that I'll be watching you, since I'm awfully incharge if you fail to spoil my name."

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