16|Colours beyond crayons

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I woke up to a text message from daddy who wants me to accompany him as he run some errands. Since he was in jeans, his business t-shirt and sneakers, I got dressed in comfortable clothing and made myself a little presentable.

His driver was the only one in the front as we were being followed by his, or our security agents in their car.

Daddy would usually be finishing up on some work on his laptop or going though some documents, but he had them to a side as he gave me his attention. "How are you?"

I opened my mouth to tell a small lie but when he raised a brow I couldn't. "I'm upset and confused, but I'm happy to be home."

Taking my hand he leaned back and let out a loud sigh. "I'm sorry. I won't lie and say everything will be okay because it probably won't. It's my duty to be there for you in everything and help in every way that I can, so I'll do just that. Do you want to be with Tristan?"

Chucking, I look at him with a smile. "Straight to the point, eh?"

"Absolutely." He smiled. "So?"

"I do..."

"An you will still be doing so. With his grandmother, she an amazing woman but she can be strict. Not only are her grandchildren doing things out of tradition, but she's is religious. You and Tristan aren't ready for marriage but the path she made for you both was like a form of engagement until you're ready to commit fully, by signing the marriage certificate later on. Is that the only issue? Do you have other plans for seeing what else is out there? He did take your virginity and as much as I don't like that he did that to my little princess, I would be heartbroken to see you with someone. Keeping your body count..."  I removed his hand from my own to cover my ears, but he just moved them.

"I understand, daddy. I had enough time to think about it last night. I'm happy with him. I truly am, but I'm only eighteen. Look at this rock on my finger... it's huge and I'm still in disbelief at my life. I'm sacred that we won't be lucky like you guys, being so strong and in love since high school and college. I may be beautiful to him now, but next year he might see someone better." I ranted and I'm happy he gave me the chance to as he nods, listening like I wanted him to.

"Go on."

"Maybe it's because I didn't grow up fully in a stable home with both parents since birth, but I really want something real. I don't want to fear the worst but I also don't want to loose out on the best faith has to offer me. I'm scared daddy. I love Tristan so much but what if? Should I just ignored the future and live now?" Laughing at my own stupidity, I then shook my head. "I'm crazy. I know I shouldn't be thinking all this because our family would make sure we stick together or worst, put us back together. I only hope we don't fall out of love."

"If that seems like it would happen, you can always try counselling or, as bad as this sounds, spice up the relationship a bit. I'm sure Ashlyn can tell you a thing or two." Daddy offered and my expression went from interested to disgust under one minute.

"I'll rather ask Sky and the girls." I told him truthfully. "I don't want to know what she is doing with my brother behind closed doors."

"Or opened fields, cars, on trees, in ponds, balcony, pool, restaurants, fair grounds, movie theatre..." Daddy listed and I shook my head.

"I get the picture daddy." I informed him.

Our lives weren't always silenced. We still had the media following us wherever we go. Tristan and I turned a blind eye to the paparazzi that made it their duty to torment and document our lives. Our friends had the same issue, but it was worst for Ishmael and Ashlyn. Those two had no care for anyone. More than a handful of time, we saw them on the latest gossip or drama websites, magazines and on the celebrity news. I was happy daddy was busy keeping him in check as he was acting a like a horn dog and Ashlyn a pretty bitch in heat. Not to mention the way they litter their car, I was embarrassed seeing the condition. The media had zoomed in on the background to see boxes of condom on the dashboard and worst, empty packets on the floor a few times. The worst the media got from Tristan and I were kissing, little dancing and that one time I was sick so they took a photo of me throwing up. They thought I was pregnant and it caused quite a stir until mummy did a live interview with a television show, explaining a bit about my food poisoning.

Gatekeeping (High Society Book 2)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now