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My twin and I made ravioli with the exception of those who prefer vegetables instead of meat.

Due to pregnancy Ashlyn and Sky couldn't stand the sight, smell or taste meal. They were served outside while we enjoyed our delicious cheesy, pasta and minced meat meal.

Afterwards we continued our tour by foot, viewing our friends homes.

Sky and Austin's home was made of glass and to provide the theory of it being bullet proof, I threw a few stones at it. It was a conservatory house. Tristan had to stop me from bending so much. I tried different sizes rocks, from pebbles to one's I was strong enough to manage. They laughed at my determination and brought us inside. Just as Sky had explained at my house, it was exactly like that. Few rooms had class from roof to walls and I was relieved about it having roof cover, something their smart house features of incase of a thunderstorm. Another thing I like was their home theatre filling with classic and documentary film that I told her I'll borrow sometimes. Seeing their backyard, I gaped at that beauty of the pool having a glass cover with an isle in the middle half.

It's beauty couldn't compared to most pools that I've seen. They could have a whole party on the pool and due to Austin being claustrophobic, incase the pool closes with him or anyone underneath, it has many advantages of sudden drainage and a button for emergency calls if it isn't being disabled around a certain time period. He was that scared and I liked his many backup plans incase of being locked in.

At Shane and Hadley's house, the first thing that greeted us were statues of all kind and I gasped at one in particular. It's of a couple being intimate, entwined in a sexual way. It was covered by weeds and I had left the group to clear it away. Shane saw and gifted it to me and I told Tristan that I wanted it in the center of our maze garden. Shane had over fifteen statues and many weren't even completed. He showed us his art room where the magic happens, as he creates figurines, does pottery, painting and sculptures. He surprised us with his latest work, it was large painting or us all but it wasn't complete seeing as the spot next to Logan was empty. See that, he looked at Ari and I knew everyone wanted him to have someone but he wasn't ready to trust or let anyone in so soon. A reason he hired a surrogate mother.

The next beauty of their home was the library as it was bigger than my own at the castle. She had many empty shelves but they were labelled with all our names, explaining how she wants to document our lives for future purposes. She wanted me to make cook books that Sky can one day give me a television show. She had theirs amazing areas and we were interested in doing so to earn more money and to have fun while doing it. As the reason she called our circle lawyer with the ideas as we'll have some information about it soon, whether it be financial, educational or personal, the list goes on.

We were all tired as it was getting a little late but we didn't want to miss out on the chance of seeing Logan's home.

We were greeted by two puppies at his cute home. It wasn't big or looked like a man cave as we all expected. It seems like a while paradise and an animal sanctuary. The walls matched the trees outside as vibes ran up on the column, the whole themes was like a cottage fit for the beach. I got emotional at the sight, as it felt like home back in the rural areas of Jamaica where my twin and I grew up. I looked at him to see the familiar approval expression on his face. Most items were recycled and out to good use. An while we had multiple houee staffs, he only had three. His housekeeping, pet sitters and a cook. As we meet his pets; puppies, fishes and birds, he brought out a little basket for me and inside was a kitten. He told me happy belated birthday and I cried, thanking him. He told me he had no name and I announced it as Prince. The cliché, that Prince will be living at the his new castle home. His dark brown fur with patches of black made him unique and I swore that I'll adopting cats and buy more fishes to feed them incase any dies. It was the circle of life and nothing goes to waste.

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