14| Love of aphrodisiac

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I woke up with the urge to pee and flinched, feeling pain in my body but mainly at my cunt. Tristan's and I were spooning as he had his face in my hair, arm around my waist underneath the covers he probably put over us. I freed myself and force my legs to cooperate when I had to stand and walk. It was a struggle when I finally got to the toilet and everything else was a mission. I took a cold shower to help my aching muscles but warm water washed the blood stains down the drain.

I wore only a large t-shirt, scared of covering up as it probably slowed the healing process.

Our bedroom looked a mess, the rose petals, candles and condoms were scattered everywhere so I got to work, cleaning up. Even when I was finished, Tristan was still asleep, snoring up a storm. He really needed his rest since he played so hard to help win the game and I worked him hard last night.

Hopping to the kitchen, I started preparing breakfast and I made it heavy enough to help regain his energy. Adding a little more butter to the steamed cabbage and broccoli, that's when I felt his familiar feather kiss on my neck.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Good morning, stud muffin." I smiled, dropping the butter in the pot just to kiss his lips but I quickly pulled away. "You're officially an hazard."

He chucked, watching as I took the butter paper from the pot and close the lid, handing him to paper. He puts it in the bin so he turned to me. "Are you okay? How are you feeling?"

"I'm not okay, I'm great and feeling alive but a bit sore." I praised and approached him, putting my arms around his neck. He was fresh from a shower, dressed in only a tank top and boxers brief. His hair wet and dripping as the towel on his shoulders soaked it all up.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm great. Get the basket with our hair products and meet me in the living room." I instructed, pulling few wet strands between my fingers.

"You're finally agreeing to comb my hair?" He was grinned and he looks down at me, kissing my nose before he rushed off when I nod to his question.

Turning the fire off, I turn to see him holding the basket so I smiled. I got my hands washed then brought over his cup of tea as well as a sandwich. He thanked me and sat on the carpet before the coffee table while I got seated behind him on the couch. He already has our yellowbird blow-dryer plugged in as I put his hair in four sections and began. I only got it blown out, combed and twisted till after we ate.

After breakfast, I did his hair in small plats/braids that grew since I saw him in high school, now reaching his mid back. While I did it, he was either busy playing with my toes when he places my legs on his shoulders or he watched the rerun of his game yesterday. They didn't need to film the game, but as a billionaire's kid, they like how great he played but wants to judge whenever he messes up. Babe was the type of person to listen to his haters and to fix all his error to have the last laugh.

As soon as I announced that I'm finished and he saw it inside the little hand held mirror, he turned and held me around my waist while on his knees. "I'm so in love with you."

"I'm in love with you too." I smiled, staring into his green eyes lovingly. When his smile widened, I grew curious. "What's that smile for?"

"I'm just reminiscing about how lucky Ishmael said I was. How are you feeling?" Glaring at the question he blushed embarrassed.

"I'm great. You don't need to keep asking how I feel because this is what I want, and I'm glad you're the one who took it. You were amazing..." I blushed then kissed his forehead. "And hard, yet soft with me."

He laughed boisterously before kissing my lips. "I'm glad, I truly am. You were breathtaking in more ways than one. You surprise me every time and I'm blessed to have you in my life. I've always heard about the gorilla grip whatever, but you my love made me a zoologist because your pussy is like mother nature at work. A snake gripping it's meal, a squirrel grabbing every nut, a..."

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