1| Settled

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Every item Tristan and I brought each other for our birthdays and holidays were packed inside a truck as we're moving to our new home for the next four years. Our parents got us an apartment between our colleges since we didn't want to try out the dorm rooms. It was already filled and for that, we were grateful.

Tristan and I were the last to leave home as we've accompanied our friends and my brother to their colleges. The reason for that was because we were the only ones attending colleges close to home, here in California.

Tristan got accepted into Seal Edmond University which offers the best courses in business and Technology. The bonus was their American football team had offered him a scholarship which he accepted and the next, I went to the second best Culinary school in the states. Providence Culinary Arts Institute, the reasons were due to my little brother and family being close, and living the dream of living together with my boyfriend. I liked the challenge and opportunity which our parents were a bit cautious about. A couple rules still stand; I had to do a yearly checkup for cancer, visit a new gynogenesis at least once every two months, and we got an embarrassment large amount of condoms from our fathers.

Due to some voluntary slash charity work, Tristan had to stay back while I got the chance to see our apartment first and to decorate it how I desire.

Mummy and I were happy to decorate but I was also anxious about the place. Not only have we brought what we had, but as a family we went shopping for our apartment. Or parents knew of it looked and they supervised on what we bought together but Tristan let me do most which I begged him to comment on. All he did was rest on the couches with our fathers while we the females shop. I almost throw something to his head but our mothers stopped me from doing so, saying I'll have to get use to it. A good percentage of men are like that and I saw that too with my brother who got comfortable.

Daddy brought Anderson with us, or Anderson invited himself and so did daddy's driver. They didn't accompanying Ishmael and Ashlyn so I was curious as to why they were with us seated in the front seat. Behind them was my parents while I sat in the back with Noah who mummy just told me to wake.

"We're almost there." Mummy sang while I look out at the view.

We had passed the university which Tristan is attending and I couldn't be more happy for him as I looked at it. That was a little over fifteen minutes ago due to traffic caused a small incident.

We left home when it was dark out and now it was morning, exactly 7:32 A.M.

We stopped where multiple similarly built and painted structures were, facing a big car garage. The only giveaways to this place being my new and temporary home was the sign that says 'Hope Garden Residential.' A friend of Daddy and Mister Trent owns the place as to why they were worried about dorms being full, its just that we had to be early for our classes. We parked at building seven at the guest parking lot which was empty. The others had up to ten expensive vehicles parked by the wall facing out. There were security guards around as well as staffs hustling about.

The building had about twelve floors in all so when I was dragged inside by daddy who was smiling as he walked with a swing in his step, it made me wonder if he was finally getting rid of me. Glad I didn't say it, we were welcomed by the owner who hugged daddy like long lost friends.

"Sweetheart, this is my good ole friend Roland Gardener. This is my only daughter Asheika and my adopted son Noah." Daddy introduced as the stranger and I shook hands. He even waved to Noah who grinned in mummy's arms, he was such a baby.

The tour began with him giving a history of the residential that he named after his first daughter. The next story was of daddy's company that built these very walls from group up. Before we went to see the apartment; he showed us the mailroom with my mailbox and personal storage, the gym and fitness room, pool, and internet cafe that is shared between the entire seven buildings in all.

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