61|Another pregnancy

37 7 0

Tristan Trent

"Lawfully, she's not an adult so her parents does have a say in her life, but darn it. It's unfair to treat her as such...I know daddy. Fine... I'll stay out of it but I can't promise that if she want to leave the U.S or run away that I won't help her... Of course. Fine... I understand. Thanks daddy. Yeah. I love you too daddy." She hung up the phone and frowned, walking over to her favourite couch where she got seated and practically melted as she slid to the floor.

"All you Ellis are so stubborn." I chuckled.

"An all you Trent's are demanding." She criticized and I looked down at Joyner using my hand as a toothing toy. It hurts like a bitch but I let him enjoy himself or else he'll start crying. The things I do as a father.

"You hear that boys, we Trent's are demanding as we should. We're demanding a baby sister." I insisted as she rolled her eyes hard.

"Maybe another time. I'm still breastfeeding, remember." She gestured to Jessey and José with an almost empty bottle of breast milk to their mouths. Joyner was greedy so he finished his own just to chew on my pinky.

Humming in reply, I used my free hand to type on my laptop, looking over some work and investment gross or growth. After five minutes I've realized that I wasn't at all focused, my mind and eyes were on her body.

Her period stared not too long ago and it was depressing for me seeing as though I've not used a since condom since or after pregnancy. Maybe it was wrong for wanting more kids but I was being considerate as seeing her menstruate each month was heartbreaking for me. I hated when she's in pain, but so was the contractions and the delivery room activities. I was wanted a daughter, or more son's really.

It wasn't until I've snapped out of my thoughts that I've realized Joyner was asleep, sucking on my pinky like a pacifier. Wifey said no to all pacifiers, from turning them down when offer or given, to literally burning them. Over five got dumped into the trash.

"It has been three weeks and they still won't let her go out. It's like they don't realized it's going to affect them later on when she moves out and cuts them off..."

"Babe. You're the one who told your dad and mine not to do anything dramatic. This is the first and last time I'll warn you. If I hear so much as a complain from you about Holly's family, I'll do what I do best." I warned, strictly as it's getting on my nerves. I hate seeing her like this but also her little brother who misses his girlfriend dearly.

"But it's not right for them to..."

Ignoring her, I removed my drool soaked finger and wiped it on my shirt. Fixing the laptop, I moved closer and started fixing the Willis's business. It didn't take long for babe won't suspect a thing.

"Put Joyner on the blanket, I need to use the bathroom." She explained and I watched her frowning, looking back at her ass as if could see. It was huge so there was no use so she restored to the next option, looking down between her thighs. "Oh."

There was no mess there since I would've noticed but I smiled innocently when she raised a brow at me watching her. Doing what she asked, she returned to the family room looked worried so I asked. "What's wrong, love?

"This is the third day and I thought my period could be on and flowing hard by now. Can we go to the doctor later." She feared so I went over and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"We can go right now. I'll call Angel over." Kissing her cheek, I began comforting her. "Let's get ready."

"Okay." She whispered softly.


"We've done all the possible minor tests and we have one more to go." Doctor Michael states, pushing the ultrasound machine closer as a wide grin spreads along my face.

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