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Arriving at the Solak Ranch, I've met Tristan's aunt for the first time, as well as her small family and staffs that cared for the property. Selin was the female version of Knox Trent, except shorter but still taller than I was. She has two kids with Olan Solak who inherited his family business as the eldest son. Hasan the son brought his wife and Bulut the only female brought her husband, they were older than we are and their kids were around our age group. It was big family as I forgot the names as soon as I was introduced to the next person.

The smaller kids attacked Tristan with hugs, knocking him to the floor along with them while Selin and her daughter Bulut too me to the kitchen while their husbands and brother supervised the stampede of kids. They fussed over me after I spoke in their mother tongue, sighing a breath of relief when they did have to speak in English.

"Annem told us you're spending Christmas with us and you also asked to do your research and college assignment here. What is it about?" Selin inquired as she moved around the kitchen.

"I'm suppose to choose a particular cuisine, know the history behind each dish, let a professional stranger be the judge to monitor while I prepare and serve, then they should grade it on a score from one to ten. Everything must me recorded as proof and I should make a transcript on everything since it's heavily graded." I stressed with a sigh.

"Don't worry, be happy." Tristan sang and I smiled, looking over my shoulder at him.

"Yeah, that the only assignment I got left. You got five." I pointed out.

"You'll help me with the math." He remarked and my eyes widened.

"We'll see." I smiled, turning back to his aunt and cousin.

"You're both so sweet. I'm upset I missed the wedding though." Bulut frowned and her mom agreed.

"I'm sorry. It was sudden but for the next I'll make sure everyone that's important to us is in attendance." I promised and they smiled.

"Shouldn't you be on your honeymoon right now?" Hasan's eldest daughter spoke behind me, looking up from the phone that barely left her hand or sight since we came.

"Naslï." Her mother warned as she waddled in holding her very round tummy.

"It's okay." I told her mom with a smile then looked at Naslï who was waiting for an answer. "We didn't expect it, nothing was planned except this trip so we made it a little vacation."

"I would take a trip or vacation away from family." Another remarked.

"Same." Said all the teenagers, both male and female.

"Well, everyone's not the same." I chuckled, accepting the place filled with deep fried chicken with a multiple sauces and a ketchup from Selin. "Thank you."

"Annem! Everyone's here." Another child shouted and in rushed another stampede before the adults came in last.

My mouth hung opened at the large crowds before two familiar faces came though and I sigh softly at Tristan's parents.

I greeted everyone with my breath smelling of fried chicken and ketchup. After the long introduction of more people I already forgot the name of, I was pulled away by Naslï. "You see why we said trips and vacation should be spent away from family. This is not everyone."

I was in disbelief at the fact, scanning the room for Tristan who was talking to his elder cousins in the far corner of the huge family room. I see why this farm house was huge, I understood why the Trent's family homes were so huge comparison to my own. "How many are you?"

"Around sixty seven since granduncle Trent didn't bring Antoine and his unborn baby. I didn't include my great-grandparents or my grandparents spouse. So there is eight one in all, with you included."

Gatekeeping (High Society Book 2)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now