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Due to my sudden illness, I got to stay home for a week to recover. Surrounded by food or preparing food in this condition was a big no no. An to catch up on class, I had to be online and present, all thanks to the position I helped put the institute at. Providence has never made that much money at previous events and instead of taking the prize money they offered me, I told them to keep it as we'll have a small camping trip coming up.

When I wasn't around my desk watching prep, talking notes, or asking questions, I positioned the camera while cook or bake in my kitchen. I was recovering from the tampered avocado but all that throwing up made me weak as to why I had to rebuild my energy.

My free time was spent resting or using the residential gym. Both the sickness and hours spent at the gym, I was surprisingly back to the weight I was when I've arrived here in the US.

Tristan didn't liked how I was back to my previous size and grumbled about it all being Elijah's fault, while bothering me constantly if I wanted fast food. I could see how much it bothers him so I explained that having an high metabolism so caused me to loose all this, and I'll gain everything back in a couple of weeks.

Today was his big day, a game that S.E.U won but instead of celebrating with the team, Tristan insisted on bringing me home since it was raining. The chances of getting sick was high, even as we are seated in his car looking out as lightening flashed and the rain pours down hard on everything it touches.

"We can't run out there when the lightening is flashing, it might hit us, so after." He looked over at me as I was scared of all the loud thunder and the violent winds that brew.

"I'm scared." I repeated for the second time since the rain started. There wasn't any news of an hurricane said I was confused as to why the weather was so harsh.

"I know baby. We have to get inside though, it's not safe sitting here." He reassured me so I nod, grabbed my bag and we waited. Waiting till the tightening strikes so we run with the sound of the thunder. As soon as rhe dangerous light brighten the dark place, we jumped rushed out when the thunder started but I screamed to how loud it was. Tristan held my hand as we rushed inside.

"Stairs." I breathe heavily as reached the lobby. "Power cut, then we'll be stuck."

"This place has a couple generators babe." He kisses my wet cheek and I smiled. Looking up at him as he was still a bit muddy from the game and very much wearing his American football jerseys, the helmet and gym bag were left in the car.

His focus was on my chest so I slapped his arm and laughed, pulled him up so we could start our journey up to the sixth floor. We were tired by the time we reached out door and we childishly voted on who should open it. My keys were far inside my pocket then he remembered that his own was left in the car. Laughing at me, I rolled my eyes and took it out, pushing the door open. All he did was made a big step inside and so did I as we strip down to our underwear, leaving the wet and dirty clothes and shoes on the ground. I went for the laundry basket while he got the cleaning equipments. I was about to leave with the basket when Tristan sneezed and we stilled.

"Bathroom now." I demanded and he laughed, I hurried to put the cleaning equipments away while bring the laundry basket with me.

Tristan was in the showers when I got in, so I joined him and made it quick. I wrapped myself in the bathrobeto get some things to eat in the kitchen then brings it all back to the bedroom while he is standing with, wearing his robe. Grinning when he saw the food, we got comfortable on the carpet with the food between us as we listed to the weather outside.

"It sounds like an hurricane out there." I told him.

"It could be a sudden one." He nods, taking up the fork filled with rice and a piece of chicken to his mouth.

Gatekeeping (High Society Book 2)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now