43| Trial period

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Tristan was actually laughing as we made our way towards the staff quarters. The first door I knocked on was the builders as she wife answered. I told her good morning and to meet at the front door at six for breakfast if they haven't made anything as yet.

It was a little dark out but the first light of day was making its way over the hills, making way though the foggy cold morning. I was skipping along ahead of babe since he still wasn't much of a morning person.

I woke up single men living behind the laundry house then made my way to the staff quarters. It was down at hill close to the fence that separates our houses form the opened meadows that leads to the farmland and forestry area. It was only a three minute walk there at the two storey stone and cement apartment complex. The semi circle building opens up to a yard space with picnic benches, an outdoor grill and a kids play area. They had no elevator as the staircase was the only way up. I'm surprised that I couldn't see it from our bedroom window as the hill we live on was quite steep.

All doors were labelled by number but they all shared an opened verandah space with plastic chairs, tables and decorative plants. From one to twenty five rooms, biggest to smallest apartments. I've realized that the ones that weren't marked were small, since they all seems to prefer sharing. I know Conner and Bernard may have explained the expenses, living in groups as less money will be taken from their salaries. It still would, but to the equivalent of services like, electricity, water, gas and internet that wasn't much since it was only one building. The monthly supply of groceries, toiletries and maintenance is provided by us free of cost but any additional items will be taken from their salary or they would have to buy it themselves.

Greeting those who have met me at the door, I told them where to meet before I joined Tristan under a tree enjoined the sunshine and breeze.

"All finished?" He asked and I nod, reaching up to kiss his neck.

"Have you checked your height lately?" I was curious to know.

"Yeah. I've got an additional two inches." He chuckled, putting his arms around me.

"You're almost as tall as your uncle Tarik in Turkey, because you've passes dad like three inches ago." I observed.

"That's what he and Antoine told me some time back. Are you going to ask if I gained weight too?" He smirked cockily and I shook my head.

"Nope. You just got thick with muscles. I felt everything night before last." I grinned and he laughed boisterously. "Don't disrupt our new neighbors."

"Alright, come on." He kept his hand around my waist as we went back up the stairs leading up to our large backyard space. "You've gotten thicker too, and I love it."

"Of course you do. It's all about the hips, ass and breast for you." I teased which he disagreed with.

"It's your face, your entire body and heart. I love you, baby." He didn't stop walking, but used a few seconds to kiss my head.

"I love you too, giant."


We were inside when Connor texted and told me everyone was here. Five minutes before six and I regret waking them is do early, as even the babies were here. Inviting them in, our parents directed them to the dining table and kitchen island where a little buffet was set up. They had an hour to eat, use the bathroom and read over their contract and rules before coming in. Tristan and I went to the little library where we set up to have the interviews.

Conner thankfully was helping out as he would be calling the names in order of who should enter. Babe and I sat in separate chairs with oy the coffee table between us from the long couch on the other end fit for four people.

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