32| Herbalism at it's finest

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We travelled by carts, the same golf carts used around here and we were the ones to drive ourselves. Since I knew the road, I was swerving as we passed many other student. We laughed as they watch us, shocked at our wrecklees behaviour and it wasn't until we were right behind the touch guides that we finally slowed down.

Remy was laughing at me as David shook his head and made a comment. "It must be your brother you though you. That boy is trouble."

Grinning, was all I did before telling them the truth. "It was Elijah actually."

"Even worst." Remy laughed and I agreed.

We went as far as the carts could take us before parking them. As we walked along the trails which has coloured stones at the sides or signs that has particular markings and the tour guides explained as they go.

"Where we are going is a famous spot for breakfast or even vegetarians." David announced as we turned off from the main trail. "Thanks to our little farmer here, we've got tropical fruits that came from the Caribbean and you'll be impressed."

I leave it to theses men to put me in the spotlight and everyone was left impressed by the farm ahead of us. Fruit trees in one area, vegetables, herbs and teas in another there were small greenhouses too, and our regular camping area in the midst of it all. Multiple cooking area, wooden stumps and rocks as seats.

"This is where we'll rest for the morning. Your tasks are simple and easy. What you reap is what you sow. If you remove something you must replant it where you got it from or if you're familiar with the greenhouse there's a bin there to put seeds and compost waste." David spoke, looking around and pointing. "Your first task is survival, you'll be graded and rewarding so good luck."

"The best way to survive is to use what you got. So the first task at hand is like a scavenger hunt. Put your bags down and let us see the things you would need to hunt food. Put your hands up when you're done." Remy commanded.

I quickly got out my handy purse and held my hand up. The twins laughed and asked everyone to stop so I can show them what I got.

"This is my trusty purse. It's not designer but it sure is handmade right here in Spring valley lake. The purse can be a bag on my arm or a belt around your waist." I showed them the example then continued. "Opening it up, you can see that's is water proof on the inside and but almost fireproof if you get it out quick enough. It's trusty because it's an all in one. This lighter can be a knife or a reused tooth pick just make sure you stick it back in. The lighter can be refilled with gas whenever you visit here again for we got the equipment. It got a foldable place and tea cup, and an all in one utensils having the fork and the spoon together. This can be a weapon, trust me, I know. I got a small bottle and it's for water filtration. I got packets of ketchup from fast food restaurants. An theses little bottles and jars is what you an put anything in. I got salt, pepper, all purpose seasoning, little honey, a mini strainer and I'm no embarrassed to say I've got a another purse in here for first aid purpose. I got a bottle of white run, it can start a fire too. I've got two bandaids, needle and thread, a small bandage, lip balm because my lips can get dry and the best of all is a portable phone that has a GPS tracking device and it goes both ways. You can call or they can call you, its can be changed by a USB or you can use batteries. You can see when it dies or when it's fully charged. An the next best thing is that security will always know where you are, whether you're on or off a trail and even in the bushing getting nasty with someone but don't worry. As long as you don't press the green button they won't hear a thing."

By the end of my speech, they were laughing. I've gotten use to saying that and it's a great way to promote or advertise our products. That's when David pulled out boxes and asked who wants to purchase it and pay later when we get back. Everyone took one, and even the chef's.

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