9| Almost scandalous

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"So you ate the steak and didn't leave any for me?" Trinity asked as she got in and buckled up

"I did." He gestured to the reusable dish on the dashboard and she took it just as he drove from the lot a block away from the institute. "Where is my kiss?"

Rolling her eyes, she leaned over and kisses his jaw. "That is all you're getting."

"Why? Because I brought in a live lobster?" He teased.

"Yes." She was upset and moan as she tasted the steak. "I think I'm falling in love with Asheika."

Liam chuckled, speeding up a bit as he wanted to get home quickly to please his woman. "Be careful, bella. I'm a jealous man."

"Oh, I know." She beamed, showing him the ring on her finger. "It's such a shame we have to hide it."

"You didn't have to." He told her truthfully.

"We can't let people know I'm fucking the best Chef can I? Uh? Chef Curry." She teased and he pinched her thigh through the chef pants. "Ow. I'm just happy you'll stop being so mean and rude to my friend."

"It's not the first you've had friends that came from wealthy background. I was only trying to protect you."

"By using me to test her loyalty and limit. I thought we agreed to not get my friend involved in our lives. She has a boyfriend and is a complete virgin. She won't agree much less think about a threesome. We'll find someone, don't worry." Dropping the fork in the plate, her arm reaches out as she felt his hard erection. "Still thinking around her ass and tits?"

"You have no idea." He hissed, thinking about Asheika on more than one occasions or positions. Testing her limits was mainly their plan, and all they had to do was wait until something happens in her perfect relationship to strike. When he gets attached, next comes obsession and he was glad she had the potential to cook as she will be closer to him real soon, if not alone one day.

Trinity on the only hand had the ring and had nothing to worry about except pleasing him with what he wants or desires. Like many others in their open marriage relationship, Asheika Ellis would not be the first or the last.

She would leave it up to Amber to do something. That bitch as a thing for Tristan anyways so some day she will made that move. All Trinity had to do was get closer to Asheika so if something does happens, she will run to her and probably into her husband's arms. Licking her lips, she couldn't help but think about a next female pleasing her man.

She wasn't sick or mental, she just couldn't have kids but he does. He wants children but he loves her enough to not leave her. So their way to provide a kid may not be the best, but they went for the rich type.

Her job was to have sex with rich men and pretend as if she got pregnant, only to fake having a miscarriage and gain some money in the process. While Liam Curry lurk in the young wealthy females using his Italian charms to get pointless sex or a child out of them. The young women her chooses never wants kids, so as soon as they found out about their pregnant, he pays them to being the child into this world so he can gain full custody. So far, they have succeeded twice with two boys that's see them as their parents. It was a game that he didn't mind playing.


Liam was only passing through the bakery hall of the institute and came across his wife and recent interest alone in a room. They were busy baking and designing what looks like an haunted house. His wife only made a cake, designed it using fondant, but Asheika went overboard.

Since her father made huge donations to the institute upon her acceptance, they didn't mind her using all the ingredients once it isn't being wasted. Being in A1 is a privilege for student who has money, any class lower than A4 consist of the students buying their own food for meal preparation.

So the extravagant haunted house would definitely be considered first prize for the charity.

After admiring both women, Asheika more than Trinity, he knocked on the door to announce his presences before entering. "These look great."

"Thanks Chef." Their voices made him painfully hard that he had to go going closer where the structure could hide it.

His wife saw however and smiled, acting dumb to not let her friend suspect.

"Nice cake Starr. Miss Ellis, would you mind explaining this so I can understand?"

He let his face relax so she would feel comfortable and it worked so she started explaining.

"I'm not much of fan of these American holidays or celebrations, but I liked the idea of making people happy about what I create. So it's like any other haunted house and just like Trinity, I made it with cake and a bit of fondant." She started.

"Really?" He asked, impressed but mainly sarcastic in a friendly way.

"Yes Chef, but there are other ingredients like chocolate, cinnamon, mint and so forth but in different areas. Chef Dove didn't say the quality or quantity but I was thinking more on the money side that the bigger the cake, the bigger the bite or the price. It is all a mixture of left over flavours from my previous classes and as I've created here, it looks move like the haunted version of Hansel and Gretel on one half and next half is almost realistic to an actual house. The cartoon side is made of sweeter things of different flavours, while the realistic side is more chocolate than cake."

"An the height and width?" He inquired, which was right since it was as big as a damn wedding cake for a large flashy wedding.

"Three feet, five inches in length and with the excess decor, it's thirty nine centimetres in width. In the case that it is to be moved or transported, I've went ahead and added a firm foundation using the regular bakers cardboard at the bottom and straws to hold up all five tiers. Every else around the cake is moveable, pumpkin, ghost, cobweb, blood splashes, canines tooth, bloody weapons, cotton candy tree, candy pond, stone paths and so forth. The thing is, it's not half as complete since I got the other half at home. I can't wait until Friday to see the faces when I brought everything in. I know I overdid on everything but I was just so excited." She seems upset then looked at Trinity's work.

"Don't look at mine. I got homework to do and books to study. You're a quick learner but I'll make a quick cake, it's not like it's being graded." Trinity reassured her but in hwr heart, Trinity would care less for the cake. She just needed the certification to show her worried brother that she was indeed leaning in school.

"We'll all see everything on Friday then. Good luck, to the both of you." He told them before leaving. He didn't go far as he was ease dropping on their conversation.

"Doesn't he seems a bit nicer now than before?" Trinity asked.

"I guess. He was staring a whole lot than usual though." She grumbled.

"Maybe he likes you or something..."

"Do you see the big rock on my finger? I'm comfortably loving where I am right now in life and I don't want problems going down a path to find out something of no importance or to make it seems scandalous. I'm only interested in Tristan." She admitted, as if she spoke from her heart then continued. "Speak for yourself girl. I may be a virgin and it may be my first time in a relationship, but I see the way he looks at you. Worst the way you act when he's around so don't play smart with me. You like him, and as you friend all I can say if go for it because I'm not interested in him. I never will be with someone like him."

"Why do you say that?" Trinity chucked nervously.

"Lot's of reasons dear. The main one is because he's my teacher and definitely not my type. He's attractive yes and his voice is nice, but if Tristan leaves me tomorrow, I'll probably stay by myself and focus on my life and whatever business I have to run one day. There's no use crying over spilt milk... Now let finish this up, I'm volunteering to bring food to S.E.U. My man wants to see me."

Shortest chapter due to the last two going over my regular limit...

No edited.....

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