45|final ultimatum

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Tristan was pissed, at both the media and the hospital. How was he and Elliot suppose to know that they fired Doctor Kaiko few minutes ago. They pushed him out of the room violently as Elliot got physical with the doctor who did it and now, he was the one who needed to medical attention.

His daughter was in the room unconscious with the oxygen mask on her face. With the petty fussing, the bad doctor behaved horribly, worsen the blow she got to her head. Instead of focusing on the patient, he wanted to fight. As he had rushed to fight, he knocked a nurse over and she had fell pushing stretcher on impact. Asheika had fell to the ground face first and create more problems for everyone.

It has been a whole five days since it happen, everything changes since then. The bad doctor and the hospital was bring sued. A passerby or visitor had took a video discreetly and uploaded it to the internet. That person and her family was sued. The media went haywire with the news and it has became dangerous for many.

The circle showed the worst how a single accident can create damage. People who spoke badly of it, saying Asheika was probably drunk or racing, they got cancelled. Those people lost their jobs and got their social media accounts deleted. The television shows or radio station that spoke badly of it, they too were caught at the end of the shitty stick. Their shows were easily taken from them and they were being sued.

Asheika was transported to another hospital with Shawn as her doctor. He was able to tell his family and friends about her condition but two thing shocked them all. She was in a coma and surprisingly pregnant.

The visiting Trent family were happy with the news but prayed to Allah for blessings and good health for her and the child. She was only two months along having a small baby bump that proves it would be a barely revealing pregnancy.

Tristan fought each time he was ordered to leave, either to take a shower or walk. He just say there next to Elliot, Noah and Elijah, waiting for her to show any response.

The heart monitor was slow and steady just as the baby during the ultrasound.

It was Noah who saw her twitching fingers and told everyone, waking them from a nap. They called Shawn as he came to check on here. Surprisingly, she was waking up but the expression on her face was blank.

It broke everyone's hearts as she stares at them. She only shows recognition to her twin, elder brother and her father. Nosh and Tristan was forgotten.

She spoke for the first time six days, but it's to ask where she was.

"What was the last thing you remembered?" Shawn asked her.

"I... I don't know." She answered looking alarmed.

"Don't cry. Everything will be alright."

"Weh grandma?" She then asked, meeting Ishmael's eyes and he shook his head. "Weh wih deh? A who dem people yah?"



"Daddy, a when wih come back a the Bahamas? Wih nuh graduate yet." She scolded.

Tears filled their eyes at her words but then she hissed out in pain, holding her head.

"Just rest. You'll feel better when you wake up." Shawn told her and she nods, yawning before closing her eyes.

The room started suffocation Tristan he got up and left. Noah started in Ishmael's arms as his only sister didn't recognize him. Elliot and Elijah were pissed, plotting in their head how to ruin the bad doctor and just how he has done to his daughter and sister. Even the man who met into the accident with her wasn't punished this bad, he was in jail for running a red light as well as some minor issues with the law.

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