7| Upgraded

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"Ah, your cookies are amazing Miss Starr." Our pastry Chef Vans compliments as she passes then took a bite.

She came over to me and sighed, but a smile was still present on her lips.

"Miss Ellis, I love how you've improved but I can still see the resentment towards Halloween. You're cookies are beautiful though." She took a sample and tasted it, nodded she chewed.

"Thank you, Chef." I beamed, looking forward at my Halloween themed cookies. Of a bat, pumpkin, ghost, cobwebs, and a personal favourite of our choice, I made an haunted house cookie.

She nods and went to the from of the class.

"Due to Miss Ellis personal favourite," She teased and the class laughed knowing how I hate the thought of Halloween due to it not being a tradition of mine. For the sake of getting all my credits, I had to do it. "For your assignment, you'll need to make an haunted house for an Halloween charity event that will be kept at S.E.U and I'm sure your boyfriend would love to see you there."

Her statement was forwarded at me and I blushed, which the class awed or laughed at. I swear this school had a thing for getting some reaction out of me.

"Definitely Chef." I mumbled as they laughed a bit more.

"Great. I'm glad you're finally agreeing to voluntary service, you're the only one behind and you'll need all the experience you can get this semester before the next one comes along. As for your assignment, your haunted house can be anything you prefer to use. A cake, cupcakes, cookies, biscuits and so forth. Let your imagination run wild and your hand and heart do the the work of inspiration. That is all folks, I know how Chef Curry is and I won't keep you up. Clean up your station before the bell goes. You got ten minutes."

We openly thanked her and started putting out cookies in the ziplock bags before cleaning up and left. We had enough time to put the cookies in our locker before grabbing what we need for two hours or more of meal preposition. Chef Curry made a small change to our schedule today Wednesday and it puts us all back.

On the AM shift, Wednesdays usually had demo for an hour, pastry for two hours, lunch for an entire hour, knife skills and meal planning for an hour, two long hours of meal preparation, couple minutes of additional time to finish meal end clean up, and the last is of product knowledge.

This man had us skipping lunch for a two hour test then we can leave for three hours and return for our product knowledge class by three twenty to four o'clock.

"Good morning Chef." We all greeted as we enter the classroom slash kitchen. To our surprise there were stools for us to sit on, food items on the desks and paper with a pen next to it.

"Good morning." He greets happily for the first time and we got scared by his happiness. It was the first time we were seeing him smile and although it looked good on him, it sounds weird. "For your test, I've went ahead to get you comfortable for the first time. In order to get the best grade, it is up to you. We've successful completed a one month milestone and moving on to another. The two hours is just lies, but listen closely and  do as you're told for I will not repeat. The first two to complete this test perfectly will be rewarded and the gift is for me to know and you to find out."

He made eye contact with all of us and he frowned at me before continuing his little speech.

"You're required to complete all twenty questions and one activity on the sheet of paper. I provided you all with the one meal you've messed up repeated in my class. Failure to do it correctly on your own, is failure to yourselves and this class which I will gladly send you to a lower class the next coming week. This is not a threat,  it's a promise. You prepare the meal as I've taught you the last few weeks. When the bell goes, you begin. Remember, it's either your meal is fabulous or fair, failure is not an option."

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