65| Double Double (Roséy)

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"Jah! The lion will keep the evil out! Roar! For the king of the jungle! Roar! From the protector of Eden! J. A. H. Lion's pride in Paradise..." We sang at the top of our voices, ending our cheer.

Doing back flicks to the front for the squad, I landed on my feet as they completed the human pyramid behind me. As the stadium got up to cheer for us, I grinned and bowed to the crowd before getting off the field as the break was up. Javaughn and Christian were heading on the field their there team to resume the game. The mascot was in my way so I jumped on it, hearing Leon laughing inside. I do this at every game so he knew it was me before I helped him up and returned to the team.

"Their's no way Oakwood high is winning. They'll need five additional scores to get with us." Brianna chuckled before taking a sip of her water.

"Right." I laughed, sitting before the boys so I can see more of the game.

An as we all knew or predicted, our school won against them and worst it was on their field at their school. It was embarrassing that we laughed at them, seeing as they wanted a game but couldn't win against us.

"I'm going to the bathroom!" I shout to Brianna before getting up and waved to my cousin June who followed me.

We were only getting back when I caught sight do some boys on the Oakwood team. The familiar face of the quarterback smirked at me and I laughed. "Rolando Moretto, your team lost and what is that look for?"


"Roséy." June nudged me to walk so I step around Rolando who held my arm.

"You still wont give me your number?" He asked and I laughed more.

"It won't work pretty boy. Only a few deserve it, do you?" I teased, taking my hand from his and walked away.

"I love you, Bella!" He shouted and I rolled my eyes, flipping him the bird before we turned the corner.

June glared at me and fold her hand across her chest. "Why are you such a flirt? Aren't you already talking to Obi?"

"It's just my personality besides, I'm friendly and yes, I'm still taking to Obi." I chuckled then hugged my cousin, kissing her cheek before she pushed me away to wipe it off.

"I don't know what you do with that mouth so don't kiss me." She warned with a smile and I smirked.

"You know my parents. I'll be caught before I even move to kiss anybody. Plus this mouth is for food and beverages."

"Do I look like food and beverages?" She gasped playfully and I laughed, throwing my head back.

"No, but I know June plum comes in your season." I continued to tease and as usual, she doesn't let it bothers her.


Obi who's fill name is Obikwu Obasi Okoye, is of Africa parents but he was born here in America making him a citizen. He's my little crush, a close friend since he has been introduced to my family as yet.

He's the most caring, considerate, sweet and all that mushy stuff, he was just perfect. I liked him and he liked me but we're just too shy to say anything. He attends an high school out of gardens Grove and we've met during his game where our school won, as we normally does.

We were out at the beach, seating under an umbrella with our friends not too far from us. I rented a seat as well as I laid back reading a book but occasionally I would look up from it to take glimpses at Obi.

He was a thick guy, dark skinned, handsome and a total Romeo. Behind his mask is a sweetheart that I'm fall in love with. He makes me feel carefree but reserved for only him. With him, I felt when mummy said she felt for daddy when she got to know it. It wasn't anything serious to get his attention as he made me feel calm toward him, he treats me as if I was being courted and I smiled remembering all of what he does for me. I didn't think I'll fall for this guy, he's do different than what I'm use to and he spikes my interest that I stared to watch African movies just to learn a bit of his history. A Yoruban who's family lives in Lagos state, Nigeria. I wanted him, I wanted change.

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