67| Joséy Journey

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I was a lot different than my siblings. I was the only one who was interested in doing the unthinkable.

Since our childhood, mummy and uncle Ishmael told us stories of how they grew up in Guyana but there was little said about Jamaica if it wasn't about great grandma Gracie.

With mom being busy with the last set of twins she had, Justin and Justine. She got her tubes tied, much to dad's disappointment. She wanted to put an end to the remaining Trent she's birthing whenever dad feels like, an we thought he would hide away from cleaning shit. Pops does the job like a professional, even better than our nannies ever could. After twelve kids, she was signed off and even our grandparents were surprised when she blurted out about the operation. Dad was making a whole football team it seems.

Visit Jamaica, we only visited three parishes. Kingston, Saint James and Negril. Never Saint Ann, or Saint Ann's Bay. The place she once liked.

I went there, standing as I looked at the property that never improved as if selling it made no sense for no one was there. Its appearance was between a haunted house and a farm. The black cow grazing in the yard filled with grass probably my hips in length. I was sure nothing can be done to that property as Uncle Ishmael once let it slip, saying the property is cursed.

It was a waste of time that I came but still enjoying myself and my culture before returning home.

Home as in my parents home, the castle I grew up in.
Passing my pregnant twin, I pretended to not see her seated in the foyer eating grapes as I went in. "Joséy?"

She called again but I walked faster.

"Son, I believe your pregnant sister is calling you." Dad spoke through the speakers, connected all over the house. We had no privacy, but we didn't care, it's their love and the comfort we had here that keeps us coming back.

"What do you want Roséy?" I groaned, dropping my carry-on bag in the floor to lean on the crayon covered walls.

She came up breathing heavily and I raised a brow, hoping she'll hurry up. Due to her failed relationship with her two boyfriends, better yet, how she became pregnant with someone else's kid. Having sex with my best friend lead her to this, the prick who uses woman and not only that, she was the first to caught an STD in the family. Maybe her bad luck was because her name begins with a 'R' instead of a 'J' like the rest of us, but I never voiced it.

"I'm sorry, Joséy, but when will you forgive me?" She pleaded while I could sense that the tears were near.

"I've forgiven you, but that doesn't mean I'll forget and pretend that everything is okay. You've got our other siblings, talk to them because I still am and very much disgusted with you. We'll never get back to how we were, still, we never were that close so relax and stop bothering me. Are we done here?" I asked coldly and she nods, allowing me to finally leave before I see more tears.

"Joséy!" Justine called happily and I grinned when she came running in my direction.

"Hey Princess." I kissed her cheek as she got seated on my lap so I put my phone away. "How was school?"

"Slow." She frowned then her eyes brightens up. "Daddy came today and Justin and I are going up one grade."

"Again?" I teased and she nods.

"Yes. Grade five. Justin and I will work harder to skip more grades..."

"Justin! Justine! What did I tell you two about using my math book! Dad! I need a new work book, again"! Javier shouted from upstairs.

"Woopsie!" She giggled and I shook my head.

"Weh she deh!" Mummy shouted and Justine jumped off my lap to hide in the forbidden place, mom's personal kitchen.

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