63| Triplets

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José and Jessey waited for their brother at the restaurant exit and just as they were about to call once again, he showed up rugged with stink of booze.

"Rough night?" Jessey chuckled and his brother smirked.

"More like wild." He grinned, looking at their elder brother who had no smirk on his face. The moment he rolled his eyes, they gasped. "One day those eyes won't be able to move from the back of your head."

"I'm surprised it doesn't happen to mummy. She's the worst." Jessey laughed but stopped by José walking in before them.

"Why are we here again?" Joyner's questions left unanswered by the sight before him. "Is that who I think it is?"

"Yeah." José muttered.

They got to the table and greeted Trey Starr, the guy who was once in a relationship with their mom.  It was their mom who told them, see as she never hides any information and told them as it is.

The older man, thick, greyed and filled with tattoos under his formal attire stood upon see them. Exchanging introduction and greetings, they took a seat and ordered nothing but a drink. It was an habit really, for they could only eat what they or their parents cooked due to multiple food poisoning back in the day. Lesson learned.

"I didn't realize the Trent's own the automotive businesses that I've been managing for years." Mister Starr admitted.

"It's actually our mom, Asheika. It's still an Ellis business." José explained.

"An may I know what this meeting is for?" He was more than curious, he was worried seeing as my brothers and I had a reputation with firing and hiring.

"The business is awesome, you've done great over the years so no problem there. What I would love to know is the whereabouts of your daughter Raina?"

Dread filled his expression but the José didn't more an inch, he wanted answers before he makes his moves. "Wha...what?"

"I'll just cut to the chase, Mister Starr, for I'm not a patient man when it comes to family or blood. I'm sure you're aware of your daughter giving birth to my son Jahrome Grace Starr. My mother raised me in a way to approach my elders calmly but I do apologise for my father's blood is stronger in me. Four years, my four year old son will be in my care and custody if she doesn't show up by the end of this week with my child. I'll have her behind bars with no bail for all she has done to me. I may forgive her for luring and drugging me, but bearing a child that I was unaware of is where I end it. I have ways to do my bidding but this is the second step, and the third is deadly. If you love your daughter and your businesses, you'll help me find peace but if not... It was a pleasure speaking with you Trey Starr. Mummy speaks highly of you as a business man and her pass. Stay being the good man that you are."

Nodding, José pats his brothers on their shoulders and they too got up.

"Hello boss." The manager of the restaurant approached José, seeing as though this restaurant was a gift from his mom.

"Vernon. I'm busy but we'll be in touch sometimes this week." He told the older man who smiled and went his way.

"What the bloodclaat Bredda?" Joyner was completely well as the hangover seems to be over by the news.

"Yuh serious?" Jessey gasped then looked at his in the front seat next to their driver and security Devon.

"Deadly." José muttered, busy looking though his phone which Joyner snatched. Sighing audibly, he leaned his head on the headrest and spoke. "I was sixteen when it happened. That party I didn't want to attend because I wanted to be a mama's boy and stay home to bother my parents..."

Gatekeeping (High Society Book 2)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now