51| Initiative

49 8 0

Persephone Trent


"Are you always that close to Noah?" Cami asked as she looked ahead as everyone was in line to board the bus.

"Yeah. Since I've met." I answered and she nods, seeing as though it was our time to get in and get seated.

I was last to enter and I moved to go futher into the back when Josh got up and offered me a window seat. Smiled at the gesture and I thanked him, getting seated with my bag on my lap.

"We haven't had the chance to talk, and I just want to say thank you for helping us since we've came here." He smiled but a bit I was more focused on his British accents so I nod instead. "About the place we're going. Have you been there before?"

"That's a stupid question is to ask, my friend." Harris said from behind, standing to slap his friend on the forehead.

"Harris. I can still remove points." Bernard threatened and the guy apologized and got seated.

"Yeah, I've been there twice while it was under construction." I admitted. "When did you move to America?"

"Five or six years ago." He smiled then it turns to a frown. "Dad had asked for a divorce and mom accepted. What he didn't expect was that she was taking me and she got full custody since he was hardly at home with us as he was cheating with his personal assistant. Cliché right?"

He chuckled but I could see that it still upsets him. "Yeah... I moved back here from Japan four years ago."

"I can tell you've been there for a while. You've got a little accent." He smiled.

"I've got lots of accents. I've learnt them overtime with the different cultures and languages I've learnt." I said in a British accents matching his own.

He smiled even more and I laughed.

"An learning theses accents, aren't there like issues with vocabulary and pronunciations?" He inquired but continued. "It's still hard for me. The issue between the British and the American English. I suck at my American English class but when it comes to literature, I'm the best in my class."

"Literature is not my forte, but I'm good at music."

Our conversation continued and we were so into it that we almost didn't realize we were at gates to the property. He looked outside at the sign and gasped loudly. "Paradise bay, an Ellis project. Founder Asheika Ellis."

"Oh my gosh."

"This place is, wow, just wow."

"Kids." Bernard called out and we all look in his direction. "You'll be the first to tour this place for one day it will be a fortress much like the Oakwood Ranch, soon. The history behind this new community 'Paradise Bay' was her inspiration to bring the Caribbean to California. Leaving Jamaica for both family and love that she now makes this place from her dreams that now because a reality. Welcome to my future home, and it can be yours too."

"How can we make it our home?" Harris asked rather quickly.

"By work of course. Each individual working for the circle has an ninety percent chance of making this community their home. It's all in the different price range for you can one day rent an apartment or house or even own your own home."

Despite knowing what will go where, I stilled listened.

Upon entering the community it opens up to row of businesses along the street. Over twenty businesses including institutions like; pet care, day care, private infant and middle school. There was a centre for the kids or people with special needs. All this was in the middle of the community, the roads that went further opens up to streets with the different housing types. If it wasn't for the workers and transportation going around, it would look like a cute ghost town.

Gatekeeping (High Society Book 2)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now