62| Enrich Circle

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Some years later...


"Mummy!" Roséy screamed and I rushed out of the kitchen to see what the issue was.

"What!" I yelled, glaring at the last born, surrounded by a group of twenty two kids between age eleven to twenty two.

"Uncle Logan said the television crew will be here in an hour. Are you ready?" She asked stupidly.

I was sweaty from the heat in the kitchen, baking a damn cake for them and she called me for this. "Do I look ready to you, Roséy?"

"No mummy." She answered and I clapped sarcastically.

"José, where's your father?" I asked.

"I'm Joyner." He lied and I raised a brow at him. "Fine. He's outside stopping aunty Penny from drowning uncle Noah, again."

"Those little fucks." I spat and he raised a brow at me, they all did. "What?"

"Swear jar!" They shouted, gesturing to see though machine I got made to collect everyone's money who cursed in my house. It is as big as a vending machine but works some what like an ATM machine. A wonderful gift from my husband as it came in handy. It's the only money I spend on my ice-cream and desserts.

"I wasn't swearing, that was cussing." I grumbled, leaving them as they laughed at me. I have never put my own money in there since it's my house and my rules.

Seeing as it was the summer holidays, everyone's kids decided to torment me like they do every year. Since the reconstruction of my home, adding more rooms, it because the hit spot. I've argued with them to take trips around the world and go enjoy themselves but my little Solitude was no more.

The triplets José, Joyner and Jessey were attending university studying business and technology at eighteen year old, doing their third year.

My second born, Javaughn, is seventeen and in his second year of university studying technology but also a big time gamer.

The third born Jhené is sixteen and is attending Providence Culinary institute, to become a chef like myself. We've fought over the kitchen so many times so I gifted her one after the reconstruction.

The fourth born twins, Joséy then Roséy are fifteen and they just completed senior year at Paradise Bay private high school. Joséy was the male version of myself, which reminds me a lot of Ishmael as a chef. He wants to become food critic, working alongside Zarie who is well known of his work worldwide.

Roséy on the other hand is the worst of the seven, she doesn't know what to do with her life and settled with tormenting both her dad and me daily. She's gave me the most stress, and the first of her sibling to drag the Trent's name in the mud. Two boyfriends at a time, they both attended rivalry schools of Paradise Bay and the determination was clear that they weren't letting her go. So my dear husband, dad, brothers, father-in-law, uncles and many others hate her choices but had to accept it. The second polygamous relationship we were welcomed to and it surprisingly was going good so far. Tristan couldn't bare the thought of his little girl being deflowered much less by two guys. They too played American football and reminded me a lot of Tristan. The other different was one guy being an African American and the other being an Italian kid. The news of their background was pleasing to me as my dear ole husband couldn't leave me out on it.

The African American came mixed, his dad being a Nigerian billionaire who send him to study here and his mom a famous jeweller here in Cali. Getting our hands on such treasures was mind-blowing, for his dad worked with the African governments, owned an oil and gold company as well as dabbled in some technological Advanced services of Tristan's business.

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