(1) Go To The Dance With Me?

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13 years later,

"Hey Buck.." Yelena said 

"Oh hey Lena I was getting ready to head to English class. What's up?" He said 

"I won't keep you. Um I was wondering if you would like to go to the Sadie Hawkins dance with me?" Yelena said 

"Oh, Im sorry Lena I can't. I'm kinda hoping that Addie asks me I have the biggest crush on her." He said as he closed his locker. 

"Oh..okay." Yelena said as she tried to swallow back tears. 

Bucky walked off, as she leaned against the lockers. What Yelena didn't know was someone who liked her watched it all happen and was sad she didn't ask him. Later on that day Nat and Addie were talking when Pietro walked up to them. 

"Hey P." Addie said 

"Wanda is in the bathroom." Nat said 

"Oh Im not looking for her, I came to talk to you two about Yelena." Pietro said 

"Second one today." Addie said 

"What?" Pietro said 

"Daine was asking about her earlier in Math." Addie said 

"She is a very pretty girl. Do you know if she has a date for this weekend?" Pietro said 

"No I don't know. But we can talk you up to her we will be hanging out later." Addie said 

"Thanks so much, I really like her." Pietro said 

The girls left for the Romanoff house. 

"So Lena do you have a date this weekend?" Nat said 

"Oh..no." Yelena said as she looked down. 

"We know someone you can ask! He is the other sweetheart of the group and he really likes you." Addie said 

"He happens to be a twin too!." Nat exclaimed

Yelena sat there for a minute trying to figure out who they were talking. 

"Pietro?" She said with a smile. 

"Yes! Nat and Addie squealed with excitment. 

"How do you know?" Yelena said 

Both girls tell her about the conversation they had with him. Yelena got all bashful as she said "I don't know girls." She said shly. 

"You should totally do it! I was nervous asking Bucky to the dance in gym class today but he didn't even let me finish my question before he said yes then calmly said uh yeah sure." Addie said 

"I was nervous when I asked Steve too. You'll do great sis." Nat said 

"Well okay." Yelena said 

The next day at school, Yelena asked Pietro he very quickly said yes. That weekend they all went to the Sadie Hawkins Sweetheart dance with the person they wanted to go with and celebrated Addie's birthday. 

While at the dance, Bucky and Addie officially became a couple after he asked her to be his girl and they shared their first kiss. 

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