(53) She's Awake!

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Bucky was working on patient notes in Addie's room as he watched sportscenter. As he sat there he looked up when he saw her fingers move. 

"Addie.." he whispered he closed his file folder. 

She opened her eyes, and panicked a little. 

"Shh..darlin you are alright." He said softly. 

He hit the nurse button as he gently remove the vent, then got her some water.

"My babies?" She whispered as the nurse and doctor came in. 

"Julian has been staying with your parents, and baby Rica is making great strides in the NICU." He said 

He pulled out his phone as the doctor began to talk to her. 

**Text Conversation**

B: "She's awake" 


S:"Thank the Lord! 🙏"




N:"Im on my way!" 


H:"Can't wait to see her!" 

**end of text conversation**

Everyone else in the crew began to respond as well after the doctor left. 

"Everyone is happy that you are awake. They are all on their way. While we wait here is some pictures of Rica for you." He said 

She began to look through them, and cried. He wiped her tears, "Shh..I know how much this hurts and how much he meant to you. He put you all back together doll baby." He said 

"Thank you for the photos." She said softly. 

"Do you need or want anything? Are you hungry?" He said 

"Yeah I am..I can have my-" she said 

"Tell me what you want and I'll go get it." He said 

"I could really go for Steak N Shake, a bacon cheeseburger, onion rings and Peanut Butter shake." She said 

"Okay..I'll be back." He said 

He left to go get her food, when he came back the room was filled with family and friends. 

"Thank you, Nat said you have been taking care of me, Rica and Julian so thank you for that too." She said 

"You're welcome." He said as sat her food and shake down. 

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