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They had 6 kids total. 3 boys 3 girls. Bucky remained faithful and always talked to her about whatever he was feeling.

He found out she was much more understanding and he wished he had figured that out before he hurt her, but he vowed to make it up to her the rest of their lives and did.

Buck was transparent with his boys when they got ready to start high school about what happened with him, Yelena and Addie so they didn't make the same mistakes.

They asked him how Addie forgave him after all that. He told them honestly he didn't know, but everyday he treated her as if he would lose her because ultimately that's his biggest fear especially when he almost did several times.

He learned that communication and honesty is very important in a relationship. That if you truly love that person you will tell them what's bothering you and you both figure out a way to work through it together. To not think with the head between your legs because it can cause you to make the biggest mistake of you life.

That you should never confide in another woman about your spouse because that leaves the door open for you to make the same mistakes he did. And that your lies and deceit will be exposed and eventually catch up to you.

The karma he received was much more devastating than anything he ever did to her. They say when God humbles you, He will bring you to your knees. Well he was proof that, that's completely true because he definitely brought him down to his. He said it not to scare them, but to make them understand to keep your eyes open and head clear as much as you possibly can.

Addie told the girls the same thing only difference was as hard and as hurt as you may be, do not lose yourself over a guy. Forgive him and move on because it only destroys you while they're living their life.

That if a guy isn't ok with the boundaries you set, doesn't discuss with you how it makes him feel and pressures you to have sex he doesn't truly love you. They asked why she took Buck back after everything he did. She told them that he humbled himself, made amends, got help and did everything in his power to prove to her and everyone in their lives that he was worth a second chance.

Yeah it took him over 15 years to realize his mistakes, but he fixed it. That the saying once a cheater always cheater isn't always true. If the person is truly remorseful for what they've done, takes accountability, comes to the table humbly asking what they can do to fix it, does what the person asks without resentment and is consistent, then the relationship has a chance to rebuild.

That's what happened with them.
Even though to this day he felt like he didn't deserve her and was scared to death to lose her, she knew that he truly loves her and shows her every day.
Addie joined Bucky at the New York hospital especially after they named it after Ashlin. It was called The McCaffrey Medical Center. They also named the street the hospital was on shutter Ashlin as well. All of Ashlin's family was in full attendance when the hospital had a grand opening with the new name.
Even though Addie was married to Bucky, she still made sure that Julian and Rica had a relationship with their Paternal grandparents. They knew what happened to Ashlin and because of that, almost all of the kids went into the medical field. Their careers ranged from nurses to doctors to even physical therapist.
The kids all married their high school and college sweethearts. They gave Bucky and Addie plenty of grandkids to spoil.

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