(26) College Choices&Cut Off

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2 years later,

It was graduation day, Addie was Valedvictorian with a 4.6 GPA. All the guys whistled and cat called when the principal called her up. 

Yelena felt super jealous when they did, especially when she saw Bucky's nose flaring and jaw clenching.

"Good morning classmates,faculty, staff and family! We finally made it to this day a day for most of us we have longed for. The day of freedom and no longer under our parents house and rules. As we set on our new journeys we will face new challenges, new faces and places. But we always take with us the knowledge and wisdom that was bestowed upon us by coaches, teachers and more importantly our parents who taught us when we make mistakes we must learn from them. When things don't go your way just let it roll off and go forth with what you learned and move on. Never let anyone change who you are to benefit them, and never let anyone dull your sparkle. But more importantly, grow from your mistakes, when a obstacle stands in your way that is a just a challenge. And lastly always trust your intuition when its telling you that something isn't right and speak up before you get hurt. Thank you." 

Everyone clapped and cheered as she walked off the stage, everyone got their diplomas. Bucky and Yelena were engaged, and had planned on having a big wedding. Bucky went by the gym to ask the guys if they would be his groomsmen. They all turned him down so he left. 

Yelena found Nat packing for Aruba its where the crew was headed for one last hurrah together before college. Nat rejected the idea of being in the wedding then slammed the door in her face. 

Yelena called Bucky to tell her about Nat's refusal. She also informed she is pregnant again and sent him a photo of 4 pregnancy tests. 

"Fuck me! Lena how could you pregnant? Our parents are going to kill us." He said 

James walked by Buck's bedroom to go to his real quick. Buck's door was cracked and James overheared as he's walked  past. James busted in his room and said "Excuse me?!"

Buck told  Yelena he would call her back. 

James said "Did I just hear that you got that girl pregnant again?" Buck looked down as Winnie came upstairs after hearing all the commotion.

She asked " what's going on?"

 "Our son here decided to go ahead and knock up Yelena again!" James said 

" This wreckless behavior has to stop." Winnie said

"Buchanan you better get yourself a job cause I won't be supporting your ass, her and two kids." James snapped as he walked out as he slammed the door. 

Bucky ran to the bathroom, and puked. When he was done he sat against the wall as he texted Yelena. 

"We will just elope..and we have been cut off." 

Buck decides to give up his football scholarship to work and just use his academic one. Yelena's parents tell her they're cutting her off completely financially cause she's irresponsible and so is Bucky. 

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