(43) A Taste of His Own Medicine

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Five months later,

Everyone was gathered at James Sr and Phyllis' house for their 65th wedding anniversary. Brighton walked over to Bucky. 

"Hey cuz don't you think you should slow down, your kids are with you." Brighton said 

"Don't talk to me.." he said 

Brighton put his hand on shoulder, "I'm trying to help you out. You have had to much." Brighton said 

"Help me? Where the hell was that when you and Devyn was screwing Addie! You are my fucking cousin! My blood! And you want to sit here and act like we are good! We are not good!" He snapped as he shoved his hand off of him.

"Don't touch me.." Bucky added. 

"Buck.." Brighton said 

"She offered Buck we didn't come on to her." Devyn said 

"I don't care who came on to who! The fact of the matter is that nobody in this family has had my back! Everyone has left me! I have no one and no one cared about what I was going through! No one still cares about me!" He yelled as he started to cry and he left. 

The next day, he went by James and Winnie's place to pick up the kids. He saw the mail on the counter top. He felt his heart shatter like it did that night at Tao, Addie's wedding invitation was laying on the bar top. 

He looked down, he grabbed the kids and left. He dropped his daughter at Ivan and Natalia's place and he dropped Asher off to meet his team to go to football camp. After he left he went to the liqour store to buy more. 

The chief told him that day he would to pick up shifts where the others are out of town.

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