(37) Easter&Blow Offs

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Six months later,

Bucky knew that Addie was now living in North Carolina but nobody would tell him where. But now it was Easter everyone was gathered at James Sr and Phyllis' house. 

Addie came in after everyone else arrived. She ignored and avoided Bucky every chance she could. He finally cornered her before she could leave. 

"I need to talk to you.." he said 

"I don't know you so we have nothing to discuss." She said as she grabbed her purse. 

"Oh don't play that damn card with me. Ive been looking for you Addie and you have everyone sworn to secrecy." He said as he blocked the door. 

She rolled her eyes, "Karma is a real bitch isn't she. You lose the tramp and have to raise the kids one of them not even being yours. And now you come running back to me..oh sweetheart I don't want you so move on." She said 

"You are such a bitch Addie." He said 

"Thank you now move I have people to see." She said 

"Addie I want to.." he said but she cut him off. 

"No..the damage is done! There is nothing you could ever do to make things right like she wants! I dont care what her stupid dying wish was. Why would I ever fulfull her dying wish she was nothing to me but a backstabbing bitch who couldn't keep her legs closed." She said 

"Thats rich coming from you darlin considering you were whoring around, had threesomes. You aborted our baby without even telling me you were pregnant. I have a question, did you actually lose Nolan's baby or did you abort his baby too? Boys talk sweetheart I had to listen and feel my heartbreak everytime they talked about you..not to mention you slept with my cousin Brighton and his girl. Yelena may have been whoring around too but don't act like you are so innocent in all this, yeah I got my karma but when are you gonna get yours for killing our baby." He said 

She just shook her head, "I hate you James, I want you to leave me the hell alone. Go raise your kids and forget about me. I won't fall your stupid lies that I was hurting you when you stayed with her." She said as she pushed him away from the door and left. 

Bucky went upstairs and found a bedroom, he sat down on the floor and cried. 

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