(48) Disaster Strikes

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Addie was currently 34 weeks pregnant with their daughter Rica and at work. She had just stitched up a little girl's hand after she fell off her bike. All day she had this odd feeling something wasn't right, but pushed through the feeling. She called Ashlin while he and the guys were at lunch. They had been texting most of the day in between his surgeries and even had a chance to video chat while the was resting in an OnCall room.

Before he and the guys got to the hospital, he told her he loved her and of course she said it back. He promised that they would put up the remaining clothes and necessities for baby Rica when they got home that night. They said I love you again then she went back to work as he and the guys went back into the hospital.

They saw the chief Dr. Richmond and one of the nurses talking to an upset man that looked familiar to Ashlin. Dr. Richmond looked at Ashlin when he saw him getting ready to walk by. The man saw who he was looking at and got irate.

"The three of you have ruined my life," the man yelled.

One of the nurses alerted security quietly to not tip off the angry man.

"Mr. Rivers, we understand that you lost your wife sir, but like we told you she had no chance of survival due to the substantial amount of damage her body took from impact of the case accident," Dr. Richmond said.

"No! You could've saved her even though my son didn't live! You could've saved her! They were all I had." He screamed with tears rubbing down his face.

"We know that sir and we are so sorry for your loss we truly are. We tried desperately to save her, but she had already died twice on the table. The third time when we tried to revive back she didn't come back," Ashlin explained calmly.

"You should've tried harder! I have nothing left," he said.

Security and the police rushed over, but were too late. The man shot Dr. Richmond four times. He shot Ashlin three times in the chest and he shot the the nurse Danielle three times then turned the guy on himself. Sam rushed over to help Dr. Richmond, Clint and Scott tended to Daniella since she was the closest to them and Steve tended to Ashlin.

Jackson Myers who was the head of security called Dr. Stephen Richmond Sr. He was playing golf when his hospital emergency phone rang.

*Phone Conversation* Stephen: Dr. Richmond Sr. here Jackson: Dr. Richmond, this is Jackson the head of security here at the hospital. Stephen: Jackson what's going on? Jackson: Sir we just had a serious emergency. A strange man came in the hospital. He was arguing with your son sir. Stephen: Then what happened? *Getting into his vehicle* Jackson: Sir the man shot Dr. Richmond, Dr. McCaffrey and Daniella Cortez one of the nurses before turning the gun on himself. I called the police as soon as I saw the man get angry. They arrived as soon as he started shooting. I don't know the status of your son, Dr. McCaffrey or Daniella, but I know the other doctors and nurses immediately rushed to their aid. Stephen: Ok I'm on my way now. Make sure the police lockdown the hospital. Jackson: Yes sir. *End of Phone Conversation*

Nat had just come out of surgery when she and the others on staff received an alert that there was a serious situation going on. Nat called Steve to make sure he was ok and he told her what happened. She and Wanda who had just walked up from tending to a patient rushed to the first floor of the hospital.

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