(33) Home Again&Surprised

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6 years later,

"Oh Addilyn oh god don't stop baby." Dr Michael Blankenship said 

Addie was riding her attending in his bedroom at his house, while his wife was out of town. 

"Oh Michael! Michael!" She moaned out as she reared her head back. 

"Yes! Oh yeah! OH God Im Gonna..C-Come." He yelled out. 

He busted, as he massaged her breasts, then leaned up to her and kissed her. In the middle of their make out session. They heard someone clear their throat. 

They both looked to the door to see his wife, Melanie. 

"Mel you were suppose to be home tomorrow.." Michael said 

"I wanted to surprise you since today is our wedding anniversary. But it appears that you had a surprise for me. Get the hell out of my house bitch." Melanie said 

"Mel calm the hell down." Michael said as they both got off the bed. 

Addie just rolled her eyes, she put her scrubs back on. "a resident Michael you are screwing a resident." Melanie said when she saw Addie's scrubs. 

She picked up her hospital badge, "I'll be making a visit Ms Addilyn Burke to the cheif." Melanie said 

Addie jerked her badge out of her hand, "I don't give a fuck. You don't please him honey." Addie said and walked out. 

The next day Addie was let go from the residency program in Philly, and she moved back to NY. One day after moving back, Susie had her take lunch to Cliff cause he forgot it. When she walked into the Burke and Barnes Oral Sugery office she saw Bucky but ignored him.

She dropped off the lunch and went on to the Brooklyn Medical Center where she was a resident. Bucky walked into Cliff's office. 

"I didn't know she was back." He said 

"Oh yeah..she's been back a few weeks now..she got kicked from Philly's residency program after she was caught having an affair w/ one of her attendings. His wife demanded it." Cliff said as he was looking at xrays. 

"Addie was a mistress?" Bucky said shocked 

"Yeah believe me. Me and Susie are just as shocked. 

Addie found out from their friends, that Bucky's son is nearly a teenager and they are expecting a babygirl. 

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