(57) Family Bonding&A Second Chance

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6 months later...

Over the course of time that Addie, Julian and Rica have been living with Bucky, Asher and Alena have become attached to Addie. Addie doesn't miss any of Asher's football games, goes with Bucky to his parents teacher conferences and helps him with his homework. His teachers noticed his grades improving and he was becoming more outgoing. They even have their own mother/son dates.

Bucky noticed that Asher was much more attached to Addie then he ever was to Yelena. He even asked her to speak along with Bucky on career in front of his class and introduced her as his mom. His classmates loved her and thought she was the coolest mom they had ever met. Asher didn't mind helping her with dinner, the dishes or any chores. He's so protective of her just like Bucky and Julian are. He shocked everyone one day when he called her Mama at dinner in front of the whole family. They happened to be a few weeks after Alena called Addie Mommy when they were baking cookies, cakes and pies one Saturday afternoon. Addie had decided to stay home until Rica was a year old and to fully heal before going back to work. Because of that she, Asher and Alena became even closer. She would have Mommy/daughter dates to the movies, the spa, restaurants, nail shop, the mall and the hair salon.

Nights when Bucky had to work an overnight shift or a 48 hour shift, he would come home to find Asher, Addie, Julian and Alena in his bed asleep with Rica sleeping in her bassinet next to the bed.

One night he took a picture of it and made it his lock and home screen wallpaper on his phone. Bucky felt himself falling completely and helplessly in love with Addie even more especially because of her love for his children.

Addie had just walked up to the football field during the end of Asher's football practice. She asked the coach how he was doing since he was staring quarterback like his dad. They chatted until practice was over. Asher smiled when he saw Addie standing next to his coach. He walked her to get smiling.

"Hey Mama," he said as he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Hey baby. How was practice?" She asked.

"Good. That spiral Dad taught me how to throw a few days ago helped," he said. "I saw and your grip is better too," she said smiling.

"Yeah. I have a better handle on it now and it made the passes easier," He replied.

"That's great. You can tell your Dad tonight when he gets home from work. Now go put up your pads and grab your stuff so we can go get your brother and your sisters from daycare," She said before ruffling his hair.

"Ok Ma. I'll meet you at the car," he replied jogging to the locker room.

"You know you are great with him," Coach Jacobs said.

Addie looked at him shocked.

"I know I shouldn't say this, but his real mom didn't really interact with us and we hardly saw her at his games. She would just come to pick him up after the game was over. All we ever saw was his Dad so I'm glad he has you because he's been more outspoken and become a leader on the team. Plus his teachers told us his grades are better too," he said.

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