(12) Single Girl Swag

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That following Monday, Nat and Wanda came over early before school with breakfast and to help Addie put together her new single outfit, hair and makeup. The girls started their own WhatsApp group chat so they decided they would dress fly for their first day back from spring break. They agreed to meet Addie, Nat Wanda in the hallway before the freshman wing.

They blasted some of Nat's "Feeling Myself" Playlist as they got ready. The list included:

"Feeling Myself" by Nicki Minaj feat. Beyonce
"Level Up" by Ciara
"Glamorous" by Fergie
"Confident" by Demi Lovato
"Queen" by Loren Gray
"Wikked Lil' Grrls" by Esthero
"Good as Hell" by Lizzo feat. Ariana Grande
"Beg For It" by Iggy Azalea feat. MO

Once they finished, the girls stood back to look at their work.

"Adds if I liked girls I would so try to get with you," Nat said causing the girls to giggle.

Addie winked and replied, "Back at ya babe!"

"No seriously Adds. You were always gorgeous, but now you are just hot! Damn the boys at school are going to lose it," Wanda stated looking her up and down.

Addie winked again as she exclaimed, "I hope so! Now let's go cause I need to change my schedule so I'm no longer in any classes with those dead people then we can make our debut."

"Hell yeah!" both girls exclaimed.

Addie asked Susie could drop them off on her way to work. Before the girls got out of the car, Susie stopped them.

"Adds honey?" Susie said.

"Yeah Mama?" Addie replied.

"Knock em dead babygirl!" Susie smiled.

Addie smiled as she said, "Always!"

The girls made their way into the building. Once Addie, Nat and Wanda went to the office to get Addie's schedule changed they met up with rest of the girls in their crew. All nine girls walked down the hallway with Addie, Nat and Wanda leading front with Addie in the middle.

Ryan, one of the junior varsity football players said, "Wait... Is that... No wayyyy!"

The guys standing there with him whipped their heads to see what he was looking at. They saw Addie and the girls confidently making their way down the hall.





The girls smiled slyly as they continued walking. They immediately grabbed everyone's attention especially the guys. The girls saw people gawking, staring and heard whistles and catcalls.

Addie walked past Bucky as she flipped her beautiful wavy hair that caused him to smell her delicious body spray. He swallowed hard and looked down while trying to fight back tears.

The girls' teammate Juanita yelled out, "Look at our captains! Ouy Ouy! Addie it's not hot girl summer yet!"

That caused the girls to giggle.

The girls' other teammate Miracle who was standing next to Juanita replied loud enough for everyone to hear, "Naw Addie is on her Single Girl Swag! Ayyyy!"

Addie turned to the girls, smiled and winked then proceeded to her locker as the other girls in the group went to go greet their boyfriends. Addie had to pass a group of guys from the football team who were standing right by her locker to get to hers.

One of the JV football players, Austin said, "Hey Addie."

She smiled and waved as she replied, "Hi Austin."

Jermaine, another JV football player said, "So Adds, we heard you are newly single. Is that true?"

She opened her locker where there were pictures of her and Bucky. Bucky and everyone watched as she took the pictures down, walked over to the trash can, ripped them down the middle, tore them into tiny pieces and then dropped them into the trash. Bucky felt his heart being torn to pieces like those pictures.

She looked at Jermaine, smirked, bit her lip and flipped her hair as she said in her sexy raspy New York accent, "Does that answer your question darlin?"

"Yeah gorgeous it did," Jermaine said while smirking, rubbing his chin and looking at her.

Addie looked him up and down as she bit her lip. She always thought he was sexy, but never entertained it because she was with Bucky, but now she didn't have to hide her attractions for other guys.

"Baby girl you better stop looking at me like that," Jermaine replied eying her head to toe.

"Or what," she replied looking him in his eyes as she walked up to him challenging him.

He swallowed hard, licked his lips as he inhaled her delicious scent.

"Cat got your tongue sweetheart," she purred.

When he didn't move or blink, she ran her hand through her hair, winked at him smiled, then turned around to hear back to her locker. Her girls and some of their teammates giggled as most bit their lips looking at her behind as she walked away.

Jermaine's best friend Darwin said, F*ck I think I just came in my pants," causing the guys to start laughing.

One of the guys in the group named Alec said loudly, "Damn Addie I didn't know you were such a seductress and a savage!"

"There's a lot things people don't know about me, but they're about to find out," she stated confidently while looking over her shoulder.

One of the girls on the cheer team named Fantasia chimed in, "Adds honey you are giving us MAJOR bad b*tch energy and we're here for it Queen!"

The girls in the crew giggled especially once they saw Buck's face. She grabbed the books she needed then walked off to her new first period with Wanda, Sam Nat, Steve and some of the girls while Bucky secretly wiped tears, slammed his locker and walked away.

Later that day, Addie told her musical theatre teacher Mrs. Mikealson before class that she changed her mind and would like to do the freshmen showcase.

Gabe was excited when he heard that as he came through the door. He sat next to her and helped her pick out songs for her part of the showcase.

After class, Gabe walked Addie to her locker to exchange books and binders. He started to flirt with her as she had her back against her locker and his arm above her head. He made her and giggle when he made a joke. He whispered something in her ear causing her to bite her lip and blush as he smiled at her.

Bucky saw Gabe and Addie flirting at her locker and got really jealous. His fists were right and his jaw was clenched. He always disliked Gabe because he knew he had a thing for Addie and didn't hide it. He could feel his anger rising. He didn't know that Yelena was nearby and saw everything. The crew walked past Buckt like he was invisible and spotted Addie and Gabe.

Nat saw Buck's reaction, smirked and said loud enough for everyone to hear, "I guess it didn't take our girl Adds long to move on."

The girls giggled while the guys smirked.

"I can't blame her. That boy is sexy as hell," Bobbi stated.

Hayden whined, "Heyyyyy!!!!"

Bobbi kissed him and said "I'm sorry babe. You know you're sexy too."

Carol rolled her eyes and said, "Anywayssss..."

"He is fine, smart and can sing you out your panties. Deadly combination," Wanda replied smiling.

Sam pouted and said, "Babe what about me?"

Wanda looked at her boyfriend and said while cupping his cheek, "I love you baby, but you can't sing a lick. Football is your gift baby so stick to it."

The crew busted out laughing agreeing.
They all started walking to their respective classes. As the day went on, Bucky and Yelena noticed that Addie was no longer in their classes they shared.

By lunch time, everyone had heard about what happened because the older siblings and family members of the crew were asked about it. They saw how the crew was staying away from Bucky and Yelena. They also saw the fading bruises on Bucky and Yelena's faces no matter how much they tried to hide them. The girls no longer found Bucky attractive and the guys only thought Yelena was good enough for sex, but nothing else.

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