(44) Her Wedding&His Misery

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Three days later,

Everyone was gathered in the Hamptons for Addie's wedding day. 

Nat handed Addie her vows to read. Addie took a deep breath and smiled.


Baby you are truly a dream come true. When I didn't believe in love again, here you came. I never thought I'd be standing here getting ready to marry the man of my dreams. When I first met you, I felt safe, happy and myself for the first time in years.

You have the ability to make me smile without even trying. You love and accept me just the way that I am. You listen when I need a ear, you hold me when I need comfort and you give me advice when I need it.

For years I didn't want marriage or kids, but you changed all that for me again. You are truly the Prince Charming I wasn't looking for. You embrace all sides of me. The shy me, the bold me, the bashful me, the nerdy me and the introverted me. Waking up to you it's the best feeling in the world.

I finally feel like I found someone who knows and understands me just like my best friends do. I'm not proud of all the things I've done in the past, but your don't make me feel bad about it or judge me. My love for you is so deep, strong and everlasting.

You say all the time that I'm the best thing that's ever happened to you, but I feel the absolute same way. I feel like we both had to get hurt to be brought together. I'm glad that I was hurt in the past because loving end being with you made it all worth it.

You are the love of my life and the best part of me. I love you Ashlin Bennett McCaffrey and that will never change. I promise to continue to be your shoulder, your shelter, your anchor, your nurse, your best friend, your partner and your love.

Know that I will never take you for granted, be disloyal, unfaithful, dishonest or deceitful. You will never have to question my love for you or commitment because you mean the world to me.

I'm so happy to be standing here getting ready to be your wife and then eventually the mother of your children. Thank you for bringing my dreams back to me and for showing me that there was someone out there who would truly love me. I love you so much baby and I'm ready for our next adventure together. I will love you from now until God calls me home and even then I'll dance with you in eternity.

Ashlin and Addie wiped their tears. Ashlin took a breath, collected himself then took his vows from Steve.


My gorgeous princess, what can I say about you. When I first met you, you took my breath away. You had this bad girl edge to you, but with a child's heart. Your blushes and giggles was the cutest things I've ever heard or seen. Then when you smiled I felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

Once I got to know you, I realized just how amazing you are. Behind the bad a** is a warm, loving girl who loves to help people. You're incredibly intelligent, funny and kind. I now understand why you've been friends with these guys standing beside us because your love for them is imminent.

But my favorite moments with you are when we're cuddled up in bed reading, watching a movie series that stemmed from a book series or playing scramble, Uno or Operation. I've never met someone as competitive as me and I'm not going to lie it was a bit of a turn on when you beat me.

After I got my heart broken I was afraid to fall in love again, but my Great Grandma told me to be patient and that it would happen for me when the time was right. She gave me that ring on your finger because she knew that I would find you.

The funny thing is you remind me a lot of her. Fiesty, bold, outspoken, but has a heart of gold. I always wanted a relationship like my great grandparents, my grandparents and my parents. I finally feel like I found the one that's my forever.

Thank you for loving me just the way I am because I know I can be a broody monster sometimes. You light up my life in more ways than you will ever know. I'm grateful that I waited patiently because I found the woman of my dreams.

Baby you are my everything. I love you wholeheartedly and I can't imagine my life without you. From this day forth, I will continue to love you, hold you, be there for you, to make you feel safe, appreciated, valued and number one in my life.

I will continue to stay true and faithful to you and our relationship. I promise to love you through the good, the bad and the ugly. I can't wait to buy a house with you, make babies with you, to keep waking up to you and travel even more with you. You are my second chance at love my princess. I'm so in love with you and will until the day I take my last breath." 

Everyone wiped tears, and they exchanged rings and sealed it with a kiss. 

Their first dance was to, "I Belong To You" by Jacob Lee. 

She danced with Cliff to "Daddy" Abby Anderson 

Ashlin danced with his mother, to "A Mother's Prayer" by Celine Dion. 

Pictures began to pop on everyone's social media, Bucky saw them all as he drank a bottle of bourbon and began to crush up some pain pills and snort them. 

"Since nobody cares about me who cares if I die tonight." He whispered as he wiped tears. 

While everyone was laughing, dancing and having a great time at her wedding. 

When everyone returned, they were pissed Bucky didn't cover their shifts or surgeries. Nobody could get ahold of him. They found his brothers, and asked if they had. 

"Not since he had a breakdown at our grandparents" Brenton said 

"Dad hasn't either or mom." Brayden said 

"We'll go see what is going on. Dad is going to meet us there." Brenton said 

The two brothers left, and meet James at Bucky's house. They noticed the door was locked so James used his key he had made after Yelena died. 

When they went inside, the house was dark. 

"James?" James said as they began to walk through. 

They came into his bedroom to find pictures of him and Addie all over the floor, liqour bottles and the smell of weed. Her musical performance on repeat, and the empty pill bottles. Bucky was laying half dead on the floor. 

"James.." James whispered as he dropped to his knees and checked for a pulse. 

"I'll call 911 dad." Brenton said 

"His pulse is faint." James said 

"Little bro can you hear me?" Brayden said as he checked his eyes. 

EMTs arrived and rushed him to the ER, he crashed on the way there they were able to get him back after they intubated him. He had his stomach pumped, and was put on a ventilator. 

The boys of the crew found out but they didn't care like always. Cliff and Susie came by the hospital since Susie is Winnie's step sister. 

"Hey sis how's he doing?" Susie said as they hugged. 

"We'll know more once he wakes up." Winnie said 

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