(49) The Aftermath

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Bucky woke up to see Winnie and James. James was pacing while Winnie was holding Bucky's hand.

"Addie??? The baby?" Bucky asked weakly.

Winnie looked down and tightened her hand that was holding his.

His voice cracked as he started crying and said, "Please Mama."

Winnie's eyes welled up with tears as she said, "The baby is in the NICU." "And Adds?" Bucky asked desperately.

Winnie swallowed then said, "The ICU on a vent. They don't know if she's going to wake up. They almost lost her twice on the table."

He started shaking his head no and started crying harder.

James wiped tears while he still paced. He stepped out the room because he needed some air. Bucky begged Winnie to take him to Addie. She nodded silently, helped Bucky into a wheelchair then lead him to Addie's room. He saw a devastated Hayley being consoled by Stewart in the hallway. They took a flight to New York from North Carolina immediately as soon as Nat called them.

She booked them a flight and Hayley asked her in-laws to keep the kids after explaining everything. Stewart told her that they would buy clothes and all the necessities once they get to New York the priority was to get to her family. The flight was only an hour and thirty two minutes so as soon as they landed Pietro and Thor picked them up from the airport and rushed them to the hospital.

Bucky saw James consoling a broken Cliff while Nat was consoling a distraught Susie outside of Addie's room. Bucky wheeled himself over to Susie and Cliff.

"Can I please see her? I know I was horrible to her, but I never stopped loving her and she never stopped being important to me," Bucky begged with tears.

They both nodded solemnly and let him go in. He wheeled himself to her bed side, weakly stood up from the wheelchair, got on his knees and cradled her fragile hand in both of his.

He started crying as he said, "I know I don't deserve to be here and know I don't deserve to even be breathing the same air as you, but I'm begging you please don't leave us. I wouldn't be able to take it. I was so stupid to ever mistreat you and take you for granted. I never stopped loving you and I miss you so much. I'm so so so sorry Adds. You were always too good for me. You've always been a fighter so I'm asking you to fight one more time for our family and your friends out there. But most of all for you, Julian and your new baby girl. They need you baby doll so please wake up I'm begging you please. Even if I never get a chance to love you again just wake up for me darling."

He kissed her hand and rested his head on her hand. Bucky cried like he had never in his life. Their memories replayed in his mind like a film strip which broke his heart even more. He didn't know how long he was on the floor or that he had fallen asleep still holding her hand until James came into the room and helped him up.

James told him that Natalia and Ivan had come to pick up Asher and Alena from them when they told them what happened so they could come to the hospital to be there for Cliff and Susie.Steve's parents Sarah and Joe were keeping Julian while Adriana and Derrick were grieving the loss of their son.

A few days later, when they all saw that Addie wasn't showing signs that she was going to wake up, they had a funeral service for Ashlin. Susie, Cliff, James, Winnie, their family, the crew and their parents all stood by Derrick and Adriana as they laid their son to rest.

Derrick spoke for he and Adriana because she was too distraught to do anything, but sit there and cry. Ashlin's siblings and some of Ashlin's high school and college teammates some as well. Clint and Scott spoke along with some of their work colleagues. Steve even spoke and thanked him again for loving Addie to his last breath and promised he would love and protect her like he's done all their lives.

An emotional Nat spoke on Addie's behalf because she knew exactly what Addie would say if she were there. She placed a medium-sized wedding picture of him and Addie in his arms and kissed his forehead and she whispered, "Rest well brother. Me and Steve got her like we always do. We will make sure she, Julian and Rica are ok. We love you and we will miss you so much! Know Adds loved you with her whole being and she will always love you like I know you will always love her." She touched his hand one last time before sitting back down next to Steve who had tears streaming down his face. Bucky swallowed hard and wiped some tears as he made a silent promise to Ashlin that he would watch over Addie and their kids too. They all followed the hearse to the cemetery where they laid Ashlin next to his great grandmother Corrine.

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