(46) New Adventures

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3 months later,

"Where are we going?" Addie said 

"It's a surprise gorgeous. I'm good at keeping surprises too ya know." Ashlin said 

She smiled at him, "I know you are but this winding road is making me a bit car sick." She said as she rolled her down window. 

"We are almost there. And I told you to go to the doctor about these random bouts of nausea babe." He said

"I know." She said 

They pulled into a driveway, and she saw a gigantic house that almost looked like a castle. 

"Welcome to our new home my queen." He said 

She gasped, "Ashlin.." she whispered as they stepped out of the car. They went inside to see how the interior designer did their house. 

"Its beautiful its almost like a dream." She said as tears welled. 

"I hope those are happy tears." He said when one fell. 

"They are Ash." She said 

"Good cause the movers will be here any minute with our stuff from the penthouse." Ashlin said

Once they were settled, Addie finally went to the doctor. Ashlin was by her side her family practitioner told her she was sending her to her OB. 

"Why?" She said 

"Your blood work shows elevated HCg levels. You are pregnant.." Dr Tonkin said 

"Oh.." Addie said 

They went up to her OB's office, and was put in an exam room. Dr Mallory Jenkins came in, 

"Miss Addie.." Dr Jenkins said 

"Hi.." Addie said 

Dr Jenkins began the ultrasound, "We have us one baby..and the heart beat sounds amazing. You are roughly 12 weeks. Have you taken a home test?"She said 

"Oh no, I had what I thought was my period..guess we got pregnant on our honeymoon." Addie said 

"That was more than likely implantation bleeding.' Dr Jenkins said 

Once the ultrasound was over, "Miss Addie I hope with you being married and an adult that we aren't doing what you did the other two times you came in pregnant." Dr Jenkins said 

"No I want this one. I made this baby with the man I love." Addie said with a smile. 

"Well lets get you on some vitamins, and get you scheduled for your next check up." Dr Jenkins said with a smile. 


Six months later, 

Addie was on the L&D floor of the hospital, she and Ashlin had been there since 4 AM that mornjng. It was finally time for her to start pushing after 15 hours of labor. They safely delivered their son they named "Julian William" 

Ashlin cut the cord as the nurse laid Julian on Addie's chest. Ashlin was back by her head as they shared a kiss. 

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