(54) Discharge Talk, Advice and a Decision

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A week later...

Bucky came into Addie's hospital room with Steak-n-Shake for lunch for them.

"So I heard the good news, you and baby Rica's doctors are talking about discharging you two maybe in another week," Bucky said before popping a few fries in his mouth.

"Yeah I know. I'm ready honestly," Addie said before taking a sip of her peanut butter shake.

"U-Um A-Adds c-can I-I a-ask y-you s-something?" Bucky stuttered out.

"Sure Buck, but why are you stuttering? You haven't done that since seventh grade," Addie asked confused.

Bucky cleared his throat nervously then said, "Well um I um. Maybe um thought you, Julian and Rica could maybe um stay with me, Asher and Alena at my house. I mean you don't have to if you don't want to, I just um wanted to um continue to take care of you three if you would let me."

"Um well um," Addie said.

"I gotta go pick up the kids, but I'll be back to tomorrow. You can um let me know your decision then," Bucky said nervously.

"Ok I'll let you know tomorrow," Addie said softly.

Bucky squeezed her hand then said," Ok see you tomorrow. Get some rest."

Addie laid back in her hospital bed contemplating her decision as one of her nurses walked into her room to check her vitals.

"Dr. Barnes must really love and care about you," her nurse Sidney said smirking.

"What do you mean?" Addie asked.

"They had to sedate him the day you first collapsed because he was hysterical. Then the next morning even though he was weak, he begged his mom to take him to you. They admitted him and kept him for two days because all he would do is cry and sleep.
He visited you and your baby girl every single day, even the days he was off.

He polished your nails and toes, braided your hair, read to you, watched TV with you and kept all your friends and family updated on you and baby girl. He brought your son here to see you. He told him that you were sleeping and needed rest so you could play with him.

Not to mention all the nurses up in the NICU said he was there every day too to see your daughter. He would do skin to skin with her, feed her, change her, talk to her and read to her. They said she became very attached to him and that she would cry when he would leave, "she replied.

Addie was shocked as she wiped tears.

Nat and Susie heard Sidney at the door as they walked in.

"You know I hate to admit this, but she's right," Nat said.

"You told me he took care of me, Julian and Rica, but you didn't say it was like that sis," Addie said with tears.

"Honey your father was nervous at first, but when we all saw that he was doing everything so selflessly we didn't stop him. Sweetheart you've been his priority from the time you stepped in this hospital. He came over to the house and that's where he met Julian. Julian and Alena liked being around each other so he would take Julian with him just to give us a break," Susie stated.

"Even Julian became attached to him after I explained that Daddy was now an angel in Heaven, but he left people like me, Uncle Stevie and Buck Buck to watch over him, his little sister and Mommy," Nat said.

Addie bursted into tears.

"Oh Adds honey," Susie said as Nat hugged Addie.

"I'm devastated about Ash yes, but Bucky asked me before he left earlier if me and the kids could live with him and his kids so that he can continue to take care of the three of us," Addie said through tears.

"What did you say sis?" Nat asked as Sidney listened carefully while changing her IV bag.

"I was speechless so I didn't give him an answer. He said I could tell him my decision tomorrow," Addie replied wiping her tears.

"Honey what is your intuition telling you?" Susie asked holding Addie's hand.

"For me and the kids to stay with him," Addie said softly.

"Then do it sis. He's got plenty of room and my niece and nephew clearly already are attached to him so it wouldn't hurt. He's changed Adds. He's not who he used to be. You and the kids will be in good hands with him," Nat said.

Addie nodded then whispered, "Ok." whispered.

The next day...

"Good morning sunshine," Bucky said to Addie walking in with breakfast from IHOP.

Addie slightly sat up as he manuvered her tray close to her and placed her breakfast in front of her.

"Is this blueberry pancakes with whipped cream, bacon and hash brown and a orange juice?" She asked as he started opening the containers for her.

Bucky winked and smiled as he said, "You know it doll face."

"You remembered," she whispered.

"I remember everything, now eat up so we can go see Rica. They said they're removing her tubes today," Bucky said while opening his own breakfast.

Addie moaned as she took a bite of her food. Bucky laughed to himself watching her do exactly what she did every time they went to IHOP.

Addie swallowed her bite, took a drink of orange juice then said, "Buck my answer is yes."

Bucky looked up confused with a face full stuffed of pancakes.

"My answer is yes. Me and the kids can come live with you," Addie said softly.

Bucky swallowed then said, "Really?"

Addie smiled and said, "Yeah."

Bucky beamed, set his food down then said, "Thank you thank you. Um you won't regret it I promise. Um I'll take care of everything. You won't have to worry about anything ok."

Addie tried to hide her laugh from him being overzealous as she smiled and said, "Ok."

Bucky texted the crew, their parents and grandparents that Addie said yes. They told him to continue to take care of her, Rica and Julian. That they would handle the house for him. Bucky took Addie upstairs so they could see baby Rica and spend some time with her. Addie saw for herself that Rica was very much attached to Bucky.

While Addie and baby Rica were getting better day by day, the crew and their family, painted, decorated and stocked up Rica's nursery, Julian's room and Addie's room at Bucky's house.

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