(28) USC&Auburn Bound

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Two weeks later 

Everyone said their goodbyes to Addie as she was leaving NY, for USC in California. 

"Call us when you land." Susie said 

"I will mama." She said

Cliff hugged her so tight, "You know you don't have to leave I can call NYU right now." Cliff said 

"Daddy..." she whispered 

"Cliff she has to breathe." Susie said 

Cliff let her go, and she said goodbye to the crew before they headed off to their gate for Alabama. 

Addie boarded her flight, and the crew went to theirs. They were shocked to see Yelena, Asher and Bucky waiting at the gate. Nat quickly texted Addie before she had to turn off her phone. 

"They are seriously delusional girl! They think we will be friends again down there hell no." 

Addie: "Ha! They are dumb!" 

Nat:"Miss ya already boo! I'll update you tonight love ya." 

Addie: "😘" 

They both locked their phones, Bucky heard from his mom that Addie was attending USC. When Addie landed later, she got moved into her athletic housing and met all her new cheer mates. The crew got settled into their housing at Auburn while Bucky and Yelena moved into their family housing.

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