(24) Spring Breakin'

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4 months later,

It was spring break again, Addie bailed on her friends who were going on a cruise. She decided that she wanted to go Miami with her news friends, Andre, Taj, Jamila, Lance, Iris, Levi, Lyrick, Diego and Journei. 

Yelena and Bucky were told they weren't allowed to go anywhere as punishment for getting pregnant and what happened last spring break. Addie had a blast in Miami with her friends bar hopping, threesomes and fun in the sun. 

When they returned to school, it was time for football spring training so Bucky was back in the locker room. He had to suffer through all the talk of the guys talking about Addie and how tight she is ďespite having multiple partners. 

That night when he returned home he showered then laid down with his airpods in. He turned on his playlist he labeled "I Lost You." 

Music began to flood his ears, "I Lost You, by Dylan Scott, Her World or Mine by Michael Ray, Nobody Knows Tony Rich Project. "Miss Me Baby" by Chris Cagle, "We Were In Love" by Toby Kieth, "What Might Have Been" by Little Texas. "Always on My Mind by Elvis Presley, "She Used To Be Mine" by Brooks & Dunn, "He's Got You, by Brooks and Dunn." 

James came in from work a couple of hours later, Winnie looked at him with sad eyes. 

"Darlin, what's wrong?" He said as he came up behind and wrapped his arms around her waist. 

"You need to talk to our son. Something is wrong..he's been quiet since he got home and hasn't come up from the basement." She said 

He kissed her cheek before letting her go, "Okay and dinner smells delicious I love your chicken enchiladas baby." He said as he walked towards the basement door. 

When he got downstairs, he found Bucky asleep under a blanket. He woke him up when Bucky sat up he saw red puffy eyes. 

"Son your mother that you've been quiet..and down here." He said 

Bucky looked down, "I feel like I opened up a can of worms that I didn't even know existed in Addie.." he said 

"James.." James whispered

"She's going around partying, sleeping around. Brighton slept with her and this is all my fault. She is going to get hurt again. I..I just want.." he said but James cut him off. 

"Son I know what you want..but you can't. And as far as Addie is concerned you need to let her do what she wants no matter how much you still care about her. You just have to let the locker rokm talk roll off your back son. The ship has sailed, you need to focus on you and Lena and the baby." James said 

"But dad.." he said 

"Let it go James.." James said

During dinner, Bucky just picked at his food before excusing himself. He slammed the basement door when he went back to the couch he covered himself back up to sleep in the very dark room. 

James sighed, and decided to call Cliff to let him know what Bucky said. 

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