(10) Major Truth Bombs!

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Later that night,

The crew knocked on Nat and Steve's door. Steve opened the door and when Nat saw all the crew standing there she got up to stand next to Steve

"Hey let's go check on Buck to make sure he's ok since you guys already checked on Addie," Clint said.

Nat and Steve nodded then slipped on some shoes and grabbed their phones and room keys. They all then walked down the hall to Bucky's room.

Meanwhile in the Burke suite...

"Mom, Dad, I'm going to hang with Nat and Steve for a while then I'll be back ok?" Addie said as she was getting ready to pass them in the living room area.

"Ok honey," Susie said as she laid in bed watching TV.

Steve knocked on the door. Bucky answered the door shirtless, in shorts, his hair disheveled and completely flushed. Behind him was a disheveled Yelena, hair a mess and wearing nothing, but Buck's t-shirt and panties.

Everyone gasped because they couldn't believe their eyes. Bucky and Yelena paled then raced to start putting on more clothes.

"WHAT THE F*CK?!" Sam yelled.

"OH HELL NO!" Wanda screamed.

"Nat baby I guess now we know who Bucky was cheating with," Steve said as he glared at Bucky.

"WHAT?!" the rest of the crew screamed.

"Hold the hell up, that's why they broke up? Because this bastard was cheating?" Laine asked.

Steve nodded as his anger started to rise.

"ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME JAMES BUCHANAN!!! MY SISTER?! Of all the people in this world and you had to f*ck my sister who was your girlfriend's friend?! How could you betray our friend like this?! And you Yelena with your friend's boyfriend?! Y'all are so dirty and grimey and I want nothing to do with either of you!"

A guilty look ran across Bucky and Yelena's faces.

"Wait a minute... Nat did I just hear you right?" Addie said as she stepped into sight."

"Oh no," Marley whispered with a worried look as everyone turned to see Addie walking up behind them.

"Yeah Adds we're sorry. We came to check on Bucky and found these two about to screw each other," Bobbi said with disgust dripping off her words.

"Yelena? You..and Bucky? All this time you said it was nothing, but studying," Addie replied feeling her resolve crumbling.

Both of them remained silent with guilty faces.



She started shaking in anger as tears welled.

Buck and Yelena looked down in complete shame.

All the parents heard the commotion and opened their doors. James, Winnie, Cliff and Susie already knew about the break up because Addie told them when she moved out of the room she was sharing with Bucky.

"What the hell is going on now?"James said tiredly.

"Addelyn why are you yelling?" Cliff asked confused.

"Either one of you want to spill it or should one of us," Nat asked as she gave Yelena and Buck a deathly look with venom lacing her words.

"I want to go home right now daddy can you please find me a flight?" Addie asked.

The crew looked at each other.

"Ok what the hell is going on? Why does Addie want to go home?" Winnie said in her no nonsense mother tone.

It was silent for a few minutes.

"Ok fine I will say it since these two a**holes won't. Bucky was cheating and screwing around on Addie with my so called sister," Nat stated as anger radiated off of her.

Bucky looked down. Winnie and James screamed Buchanan at the same time as Natalia and Ivan screamed Yelena. Their parents were all screaming at the two of them how could they do this.

Addie started crying, shaking, then covered her mouth. She then realized that he had been cheating for a while because she started to put together all of the times he blew her off, left her alone or picked a fight then left or told her to leave without him.

Everyone got quiet when they heard Nat say, "Adds, what's wrong?"

"OMG it all makes sense now, " Addie replied.

"What makes sense?" Steve asked confused.

"That he's been cheating on me with her for a while," Addie said as she started feeling a pit in her stomach.

"What makes you say that?" Wanda asked as she felt her anger rising.

Addie swallowed hard and said, "These past two weeks in a row he blew me off when I asked him to go on a date to the movies. Then New Years he was supposed to spend it with me, but earlier that day he picked a fight with me and told me he was going to Sam's party whether I went or not."

Sam raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute... Buck you said Addie was too sick with a cold to come to my NYE party so when all of us were with our significant others, you and Yelena hung out together all night because you were the only ones without a significant other there. Then when it hit midnight you guys were missing."

"What?! Sam he lied! I wasn't sick I just wanted to stay in and asked Buck to stay in with me. We agreed two days before so my mom went and got all of our favorite snacks and stuff. Then when he came over on New Years Eve that afternoon, I pulled out everything to show him. He picked a fight with me and said he was going with or without me to your party. Then when I texted and called him to wish him a Happy New Year he never responded," Addie screeched.

Susie narrowed her eyes as she said, "Sam, when me and Cliff came back from hanging out with all the parents at Ivan and Natalia's, I found Addie crying with her phone in her hand. I asked her wasn't she supposed to be spending the night in with James. She told me he blew her off to go to your party."

Addie stuttered out while crying.. "Oh My God! M-Mama a-and D-Daddy... M-My b-birthday a-and V-Valentines..."

"JAMES BUCHANAN! Did you swerve my daughter on her birthday that you know is Valentine's Day for Yelena when she begged you to do something for it when you knew she decided not to throw a party?" Cliff roared while shaking in anger.

"What are you talking about Cliff? Bucky was dressed up, with gifts in hand and left. We assumed he was coming to get Addie. " Winnie asked.

"Win, Addie came home with three roses and in tears. We asked her why she wasn't with Buck and she said he wanted to go home and sleep so she decided to come home," Susie said in a disgusted voice.

James screamed, "ANSWER HIM BUCHANAN! Did you ditch Addie on her birthday to spend Valentine's with Yelena?"

Bucky looked down in complete shame as he replied, "Yes sir."

Ivan looked at Buck with an angry look and asked "Just for my own information Buchanan what did you two do?"

"I.. Um.. I bought her a dozen roses, a box of her favorite chocolate and a teddy bear. I came to pick her up and then we caught a Uber downtown, had dinner at Del Frisco's, walked around Town Square and then went back to my house and had sex for the rest of the night," he replied nervously as his voice cracked.

"Oh my god you are truly disgusting!" Addie cried as she covered her mouth as tears fell.

"Wow, Yelena so you're not just nasty and two-faced, you're a bold faced liar too huh?!" Nat yelled with disgust written all over her face.

"What do you mean Nat?" Winnie inquired.

"Lena was all dressed up more than normal and was rushing to leave. We asked her what her plans were for Valentine's since me and Ivan were going to dinner and staying at the Four Seasons overnight downtown. She knew Nat was going to be spending it with Steve. We asked her where she was going and she said she was having a Galentines Day with some of the single girls on the cheerleading squad," Natalia replied.

"Now it all makes sense girls," Laine replied.

The girls except Addie and Yelena nodded.

"Yup now we know why the girls on the squad didn't know what we were talking about when we asked them what y'all did," Wanda stated in a snarky tone.

"And us guys were wondering why you only gave Addie 3 roses at school. We shook it off thinking you had a huge surprise planned for her later," Thor said as he had a questioning glare on his face.

Addie started to hyperventilate, stumbled to the wall and braced herself against it. Nat and Steve immediately ran to her. Buck tried, but Cliff's face stopped him.

"Addie look at me. Breathe," Steve said softly with a concerned look.

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