(55) Proving Himself&Recovery

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A week later...

Bucky and Addie went up to the NICU floor where they watched baby Rica graduate from the NICU. Addie was relieved that her baby girl was finally able to leave the hospital. Once Rica was discharged, Bucky placed her in her car seat and then laid her in Addie's lap as he wheeled them both back down to Addie's hospital room.

Rica began to get fussy because she was hungry so Addie breastfed her with a blanket covering herself as she waited for her doctors to discharge her. Bucky watched in awe at Addie being a mother. He swallowed hard at the thought he ruined that for them a long time ago, but was happy he was able to witness it. He took Rica to burp her as Addie fixed her shirt. Once Addie was discharged, Bucky carried Rica's carseat, Steve carried she and Bucky's bags, Sam had gotten a metal cart to put all of Addie's flowers, balloons and bears on as Nat pushed Addie in the wheelchair.

"Um Sam was that cart really necessary?" Addie asked.

"Adds did you not see all this mess you have?" Sam asked.

"I guess it is a lot, but I didn't realize it what this much because it was spread out all over my room," Addie said.

"Well you have Mr. That's Not Enough to blame," Sam said pointing to Bucky who was rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Wait most of this stuff is from you Buck?" Addie asked shocked.

Buck shrugged bashfully causing him to blush.

"Who else would have your room looking like a flower shop," Nat said causing everyone to laugh and Bucky to blush even redder.

"I assumed it was from all of you," Addie replied.

"We did get you balloons and flowers shopping with your family, but clearly what we did wasn't enough. I swear you had a delivery to your room almost every day. The interns hated Bucky for ordering all this stuff because they had to bring it to your room. It was hilarious," Steve said laughing.

Addie shook her head and giggled at Bucky who was shyly biting his lip.

Bucky pulled his SUV around to the door so that Addie didn't have to walk much. Sam and Steve loaded up everything while Nat talked to Addie. Bucky locked Rica's car seat into the base in his SUV. Before anyone could do anything, he picked Addie up in his arms and gently placed her in his vehicle.

Sam, Steve and Nat gave Addie kisses, Bucky hugs and told them they would come over tomorrow with the kids since they were off. Bucky took off towards his new home. Once they arrived, Addie marveled at the outside. Bucky took all their stuff in before coming back to get both girls.

Since Rica was asleep, Bucky placed her in the baby swing in the living room so he could give Addie a tour of the house. He picked her up again and carried her everywhere. Bucky saved Rica's nursery, Julian's room and Addie's room for last. Addie was shocked to know that their parents, grandparents and friends painted and decorated all the rooms while she and Rica were still in the hospital. Bucky gently placed Addie on her bed and sat beside her admiring her room. "Buck, your home is beautiful," Addie said still in awe.

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